Jay McShann with Maureen Rowling and John Norris
Maureen Rowling, Jay McShann, and John Norris posing together for a photo at Montreal Bistro in Montreal, Canada; Norris is wearing a bright blue sweater with the word "Jazz" scattered all over it in...
Jay McShann with Ralph Sutton and his wife Sunnie
Mrs. Ralph Sutton, Ralph Sutton, and Jay McShann seated together on a bench at the Camelback Inn Jazz Party; Ralph has an arm around Jay's shoulder and Jay is laughing at something; another man can be...
Jay McShann with Ralph Sutton, Gus Johnson, and others in a living room
Unidentified white man, unidentified white woman, Ralph Sutton, Jay McShann, Gus Johnson, unidentified African American man seated in a circle and talking in the living room of a private residence; a...
Jay McShann with two unidentified people
Jay McShann in a suit (left), posing together with an unidentified white woman (center) and an unidentified African American man (right); various advertising signs are on the wall behind them; all...
Jay McShann with unidentified older woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified older white woman in glasses; unidentified man is seated in the background; at Roy's house in Toronto, Canada.
Jay McShann with unidentified older woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified older white woman in glasses; at Roy's house in Toronto, Canada.
Jay McShann with unidentified woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified woman in glasses in the stairwell; McShann has one arm around her and his holding a paper cup and a pack of cigarettes in the other hand; both facing...
Jay McShann with Victoria Tarlow and Bruce Ricker
Jay McShann seated for a photograph with associate producer Victoria Tarlow on the left and director Bruce Ricker on the right; both of the documentary film "The Last of the Blue Devils".
Jay McShann, Buddy Tate, and others
Jay McShann (left) with Buddy Tate (third from the left) and a group of seven other unidentified men and women posing for a photo outside an unidentified wood building.
Jay McShann, Debbie, and Little Brother Montgomery
Jay McShann, Debbie, and Little Brother Montgomery posing together for a photo; Little Brother is seated in a recliner and McShann and Debbie are crouching next to it; all facing the camera, smiling.
Jay McShann, Gerald Spaits, and others performing on an outdoor stage
Jay McShann performing on stage with Gerald Spait, bass, and other musicians at an unidentified outdoor concert; banners for Miller Genuine Draft are behind the stage; an unidentified white woman and...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes and unidentified woman outside in Alaska
Terry Hughes, an unidentified white woman in a plaid shirt, and Jay McShann posing for a photo together outside in Anchorage, Alaska with a red building and fencing behind them; Hughes is holding a...
Joe Newman and Marilyn Moore
Joe Newman seated on a low couch with Marilyn Moore next to him; Newman's holding a microphone and wearing headphones; Moore is wearing a red and white patterned wrap over a white dress; both looking...
Larry Milberry speaking with Jay McShann
Jay McShann seated with Larry Milberry speaking to him with on hand on his shoulder; behind Milberry is Maureen Rowling and other patrons at the Montreal Bistro in Montreal, Canada.
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white woman, white men) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white women) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.