Jay McShann and Duke Robillard on stage
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and singing and playing and electronic piano on an outdoor stage with guitarist Duke Robillard at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; large building seen behind...
Jay McShann and three others taking a cigarette break
Jay McShann taking a cigarette break with three unidentified musicians; all seated except the man standing next to McShann; the man 2nd from the left is holding a guitar in his lap; a drum set is seen...
Jay McShann playing piano with an unidentified combo
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male guitarist, bassist, and drummer; part of the audience is seen in front of the stage; unknown location or event.
Jay McShann standing and speaking with Bob and Randy
Jay McShann standing facing the left of the photo and speaking with guitarist Bob (Mintzer possibly) and seated saxophonist Randy (Brecker possibly) in an unidentified class or practice room.
Jay McShann with three other unidentified men in a living room
Jay McShann seated on a red couch with an older white man's arm around his back supporting him along with two other men (African American and white) on other chairs; the white man opposite McShann is...
Jay McShann, Duke Robillard, and unidentified bassist performing outdoors
Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano on an outdoor stage with guitarist Duke Robillard, and unidentified white male bassist at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; large building...
Jay McShann, Duke Robillard, and unidentified bassist performing outdoors
Jay McShann, guitarist Duke Robillard, and unidentified white male bassist performing outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; McShann is singing while playing piano; building seen in the...
Unidentified country or bluegrass band performing
Unidentified country or bluegrass quintet (fiddle, banjo, guitars) playing and singing on a small stage in what looks like a barn-like setting; unknown location or event.