Jay McShann, Paul Gunther and unidentified bassist
Jay McShann seated at a piano posing for a photo with an unidentified white male bassist with long hair and drummer Paul Gunther; a microphone is in front of Gunther; unidentified venue.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; potted plants and a large window with curtains are...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a daytime concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; in front of a curtained window and large potted...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Jay McShann (piano) all performing at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
John Packer and Jay McShann
John Packer with Jay McShann at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri; Packer is leaning on his bass watching McShann play piano; a microphone is also in the photo between them and McShann's...
Ralph Sutton playing piano
Ralph Sutton playing piano and looking over at the camera; a microphone is in front of him and a row of purple and white petunia's are in the foreground.
Terry Hughes performing with unidentified trumpet player
Terry Hughes playing drums with an unidentified white male trumpet player in a plaid jacket; the edge of McShann's shoulder and piano and be seen on the right; bookshelves can be seen behind them...
Unidentified couple by a piano
Unidentified white man and woman next to a piano with their arms around one another; unknown location.
View from across the room of Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Long range shot from across the room of Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Gerald Spaits (bass) (blocked in picture) in Palm Beach, Florida; lots of pink...
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white woman, white men) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.