Actor Conrad Janis speaking
Actor Conrad Janis speaking during an event for USAir at the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel; an unidentified white man is on the left and an unidentified African American man is the second from the...
Ahmad Alaadeen, Terry Hughes, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be playing piano but he's blocked from view in the...
Bob Haggart playing bass
Bob Haggart playing bass in Glenwood Springs, Colorado; a microphone is set up in front of him.
Bobby Watson with Jay McShann
Bobby Watson seated next to and shaking hands with Jay McShann; both in hats and a white van is behind them; both looking over to the left of the photo.
Bruce Ricker, Jay McShann and an unidentified bearded man posing for a photo
Bruce Ricker, Jay McShann, and unidentified bearded white man holding a cigarette posing together for a photo at an unidentified location with Egyptian hieroglyphics décor on one wall; all looking at...
Buddy Tate and unidentified man
Buddy Tate (right) and an unidentified African American man (left) in Orange, California; the unidentified man is looking over the right of the photo and is holding a trumpet.
Charlie Parker playing saxophone
Charlie Parker playing saxophone; facing the left of the photo and wearing a plaid shirt and corduroy pants.
Claude Williams playing violin
Claude Williams playing violin; poster of a 19th century man in a hat behind him; unknown location.
Close up Jay McShann smiling in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann smiling at an unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Close up of Jay McShann
Close up of Jay McShann seated with hands folded; wearing a light grey suit; unidentified location.
Close up of Jay McShann at a Kansas City diner
Closer up photo of Jay McShann seated at a table in a diner in Kansas City; he's wearing a winter jacket, black hat; on the wall behind him are various album covers, records, instruments, drawings...
Close up of Jay McShann playing an electronic piano and singing
Close up of Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano
Close of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified residence in Excelsior Springs, Missouri; behind him are bookshelves and a mother-in-law tongue plant.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano
Close up of Jay McShann in a suit, playing piano; facing the left of the photo; unidentified location or event.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone on stage during the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; facing the right of the photo.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing on stage in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone at the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; facing the right of the photo.
Close up of Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man
Close up of Jay McShann posing for a photo with a Japanese man at an unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Close up of Jay McShann signing autographs
Close up of Jay McShann, smiling, and signing autographs onto t-shirts and other items; wearing a ball cap and seated at a table with fans all around (no faces seen in the photo); at the 2004 Western...
Close up of Jay McShann smiling
Close up of Jay McShann smiling while in Madarao, Japan.
Close up of Jay McShann wearing glasses
Close up of Jay McShann while he's wearing his glasses and playing piano; behind him bassist Brian Harmon is partially seen; unknown venue.
Close up of Jay McShann's arm and hand playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's arm hand while playing piano at an unidentified bar.
Close up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano along with a set list at the edge of the keyboard; at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Close up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's hands while playing an electronic piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Close up photo of Jay McShann
Head shot of Jay McShann smiling; wearing a white shirt and his gold tooth crown is seen.
Close up photo of Jay McShann
Up close photo of Jay McShann's face as he looks to the right of the camera; paper cup and carafe seen below with a blurred background; wearing a polka-dot tie.