Ahmad Alaadeen, Terry Hughes, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be playing piano but he's blocked from view in the...
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton posing together for a photo; both smiling and looking directly at the camera.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann from the side and slightly behind playing piano and singing on stage with Ralph Sutton also playing a piano; some of the audience can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann with his back to the camera on stage with Ralph Sutton, both playing a piano; microphones set up all around and the heads of a few audience members can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and unidentified bassist playing on a river boat
Jay McShann and unidentified white male bassist playing on an unidentified river boat; photo taken from McShann's side and the bassist is behind him; microphone set up near McShann; unidentified...
Jay McShann and unidentified saxophonist performing on a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male saxophonist on an unidentified river boat; McShann has a microphone in front of him and is looking over to the right of the photo; the...
Jay McShann playing in a trio at the Montreal Bistro
Jay McShann playing piano as part of a trio with Jim Galloway (saxophone), and Dan Thompson (bass) at the Montreal Bistro in Toronto, Canada.
Jay McShann playing piano on a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano and singing on an unidentified river boat; behind are an unidentified African American male drummer and an unidentified white male saxophonist and an unidentified white man...
Jay McShann playing piano on a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on an unidentified river boat; behind are an unidentified African American male drummer and white male saxophonist and an unidentified white man in a vest and hat applauding...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen with head turned to the right; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen with head tilted to the left; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Jim Galloway
Jay McShann playing piano with saxophonist Jim Galloway playing into a microphone next to his piano; unknown event.
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera and looking down at the keyboard; behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with two...
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera with his eyes closed and behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with an audience...
Jay McShann playing piano with Ahmad Alaadeen and Gerald Spaits
Jay McShann playing piano with Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) and Gerald Spaits (bass) seen behind him at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with Gene Harris, Roger Kellaway, and Monty Alexander
Jay McShann (far right) posing for a photo with Gene Harris, Roger Kellaway, and Monty Alexander; Harris is holding a beer bottle; unidentified location or event.
Jay McShann shaking hands with someone while Bobby Rosengarden applauds
Jay McShann shaking hands with someone (blocked from view) over his piano while drummer Bobby Rosengarden applauds from the side; an unidentified white woman is seated behind McShann's piano; unknown...
Jay McShann sharing a laugh with Ralph Sutton
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton seated together on a couch and sharing a laugh; McShann is holding a thin volume in his hands; Elkhart, Indiana.
Jay McShann with Bobby Rosengarden, "Head Man Producer", Dan Miller and a waitress, Rita, holding a cake
Bob Rosengarden, Jay McShann, "Head man producer", Dan Miller, and a white waitress named Rita who is holding a birthday cake; the men are all in tuxedos and standing arm and arm; only "Head man...
Jay McShann with Gerald Spaits and Terry Hughes
Gerald Spaits, Jay McShann, Terry Hughes all wearing tuxedos and posing together for a photo; unknown venue in Brownsville, Nebraska.
Jay McShann with Jim Galloway and two others posing for a photograph
Unidentified white woman, unidentified white man, Jay McShann, and Jim Galloway holding a saxophone posing together for a photo at unknown event.
Jay McShann with Ralph Sutton, Gus Johnson, Milt Hinton, and others at the Gibson Jazz Party
Ralph Sutton, Jay McShann, Gus Johnson, Milt Hinton and unidentified man standing behind Johnson leaning in with his hands on his shoulders; all seated around a table at the 1992 Gibson Jazz Party at...