Ahmad Alaadeen, Terry Hughes, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be playing piano but he's blocked from view in the...
Jay McShann and Ahmad Alaadeen performing
Jay McShann and Ahmad Alaadeen performing while being filmed by a white male cameraman; other people can be seen behind them; at the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas City, Missouri.
Jay McShann and Oliver Jones on stage
Two pianos on stage with Jay McShann on the left and Oliver Jones (likely) on the right; both with microphones.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann from the side and slightly behind playing piano and singing on stage with Ralph Sutton also playing a piano; some of the audience can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann with his back to the camera on stage with Ralph Sutton, both playing a piano; microphones set up all around and the heads of a few audience members can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and unidentified bassist playing on a river boat
Jay McShann and unidentified white male bassist playing on an unidentified river boat; photo taken from McShann's side and the bassist is behind him; microphone set up near McShann; unidentified...
Jay McShann and unidentified saxophonist performing on a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male saxophonist on an unidentified river boat; McShann has a microphone in front of him and is looking over to the right of the photo; the...
Jay McShann at the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Jay McShann in a ball cap seated at a piano and talking to someone out of the picture; an unidentified African American male bass guitarist is standing by his piano as is another unidentified African...
Jay McShann at the Oslo Jazz Festival
Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone at Det Apne Teater (The Open Theater) during the Oslo Jazz Festival, Norway; a sign with the festival's logo is on the wall behind him.
Jay McShann at the Oslo Jazz Festival
Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone at Det Apne Teater (The Open Theater) during the Oslo Jazz Festival, Norway; a sign with the festival's logo is on the wall behind him.
Jay McShann at the piano
Jay McShann on stage playing piano; facing the right of the photo with his head turned to look at the audience over his shoulder; there's also a microphone on a stand in front of him.
Jay McShann at the piano and surrounded by school children
Close up of Jay McShann at the piano while surrounded by African American school children at the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas City, Missouri.
Jay McShann at the piano and surrounded by school children
Jay McShann at the piano while surrounded by school children at the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas City, Missouri.
Jay McShann at the piano with suspenders
Jay McShann playing piano and looking over at the camera; wearing a checked shirt with suspenders; a curtain is behind him.
Jay McShann masters class
Unidentified white man with a microphone seated next to Jay McShann by a piano during a masters class for the Jazz and Contemporary Music Program, Mannes College of Music; New York.
Jay McShann on stage with Clyde Lucas and Reggie Johnson in Switzerland
Jay McShann (piano), Reggie Johnson (bass), and Clyde Lucas (drums) performing on stage at the Innere Enge hotel in Bern, Switzerland; a woman from the audience can be seen behind McShann.
Jay McShann on stage with Clyde Lucas and Reggie Johnson in Switzerland
Jay McShann (piano), Reggie Johnson (bass), and Clyde Lucas (drums) performing on stage at the Innere Enge hotel in Bern, Switzerland.
Jay McShann playing in a trio at the Montreal Bistro
Jay McShann playing piano as part of a trio with Jim Galloway (saxophone), and Dan Thompson (bass) at the Montreal Bistro in Toronto, Canada.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at the Innere Enge Hotel in Bern, Switzerland; facing the right of the photo; a television is hanging above where he's seated.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with a large microphone above him; facing the left of the photo.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano; seated with body facing the right of the photo and head turned to look over his shoulder at the audience; smiling.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at an unidentified event; facing the right of the photo with a row of microphones set up along the stage; the heads of a few audience members can be seen.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at an unidentified event; facing the left of the photo with a row of microphones beside him and the piano.
Jay McShann playing piano and singing
Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone while on stage; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano and singing on stage
Jay McShann seen from behind and to the side on stage playing piano and singing into a microphone; unidentified event and location.