Close up of Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man
Close up of Jay McShann posing for a photo with a Japanese man at an unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Hootie's groupies outside the changing rooms of a hotel
Hootie's groupies (from L to R): Ross, Kirby, Gloria Henderson, John Henderson, Oliver Jones, Jane Eddy; Paradise Valley; all standing in a loose group outside the changing rooms at the Paradise...
Jay McShann and friends on the SS Norway
Jay McShann (center) posing for a photo with Aaron Bell (right) and an unidentified man with a camera around his neck wearing shorts; possibly on board the SS Norway (or somewhere on their way to the...
Jay McShann and unidentified Japanese man standing by a car
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man holding a red tote bag and standing beside a car; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann and young Japanese man standing by a car
Jay McShann and an unidentified young Japanese man standing for a photo beside a black car; trees in the background; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann laughing with an unidentified Japanese man
Jay McShann and unidentified Japanese man in a striped shirt sitting side by side at a restaurant and looking at a small book and laughing together in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann laughing with unidentified woman
Jay McShann laughing with unidentified woman seated next to him; McShann's looking down and the woman is looking straight at the camera; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann laughing with unidentified woman
Jay McShann and unidentified woman seated next to him; both laughing and looking over to the left of the photo; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man wearing suspenders and a t-shirt; unidentified restaurant or café in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man at a table
Jay McShann seated with an unidentified Japanese man in a striped shirt at a table in an unidentified restaurant and posing for a photo; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man outside a bus
Jay McShann posing for a photo with his arm around the shoulders of an unidentified Japanese man in a red tank top outside of a bus in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified Japanese people
Jay McShann outside posing for a photo with three unidentified Japanese people (two men, one woman); the woman and the man in the green shirt are both wearing hats; all facing the camera and smiling...
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified Japanese people
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified Japanese couple; the woman is leaning against McShann and holding on to her hat; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified Japanese woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified Japanese woman in a hat; standing side by side and both looking at the camera; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white male fan at an unknown event; McShann has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth; the man is wearing a leather hat and holding a drink.
Jay McShann seated with two unidentified Japanese people
Jay McShann seated at a restaurant table with unidentified Japanese woman in a red dress and a young Japanese man in a t-shirt; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann shaking hands with unidentified Japanese man
Jay McShann posing for a photo while shaking hands across at table with an unidentified Japanese man; unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann speaking with unidentified Japanese man at a restaurant table
Jay McShann and unidentified Japanese man seated together at a table and talking while looking at papers spread in front of them; unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann with unidentified fan
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white male fan; both wearing tuxedos at an unidentified event.
Jay McShann with unidentified Japanese couple
Jay McShann in front of a table at a restaurant with an unidentified Japanese couple; there's a wrapped gift, and half finished drinks, on the table in front of them; McShann is looking at something...
Jay McShann with unidentified Japanese man and woman
Jay McShann in front of a table at a restaurant with an unidentified Japanese man and woman; there's a wrapped gift, half finished drinks, and ashtrays on the table in front of them; McShann is...