Cake for Ralph Sutton and Jay McShann
Photo of a cake in a box on top of a cabinet with writing reading "Ralph Sutton & Jay McShann The Last of the Whorehouse Piano Players" and a keyboard draw in black frosting below the writing.
Jay McShann and Lou Bindner
Jay McShann seated in a recliner and talking with Lou Bindner who is crouching beside him holding a drink in one hand; a cloth banner with Chinese characters is on the wall behind them; unidentified...
Jay McShann toasting with Bill Smith
Jay McShann seated in a recliner and making a toast with Bill Smith who is crouching next to him; a cloth banner with Chinese characters is on the wall behind them; unidentified home.
Jay McShann with Lee Engleking, Lou Bindner, and Bert Johnson
Jay McShann seated in a recliner with Lee Engleking, Lou Bindner, and Bert Johnson around him posing for a photo; a cloth banner with Chinese characters is on the wall behind them; all facing the...