Genevieve admiring roses Jay McShann sent her
Genevieve seated at her piano, admiring roses from Jay McShann on her birthday; a chair, sofa, and coffee table can be seen behind her.
Genevieve and Jack celebrating
Genevieve and Jack (surnames not known) dancing in a living room; Genevieve has a purple dress on and wearing pink beads; Jack is wearing a suit jacket.
Genevieve and Jack seated at the piano
Genevieve and Jack (last name/s unknown) seated together at her piano looking at a letter from Jay McShann; roses McShann sent are on top of the piano.
Genevieve playing piano
Genevieve playing piano while showing a bit of leg; wearing a black hat; roses sent to her from Jay McShann are on top of the piano.
Genevieve sitting in her living room with a magazine
Genevieve seated in a chair in her living room reading a magazine; a table with a lamp and another chair are beside her and a large window is on the wall beside her.
Jack and Jerry at Genevieve's on her birthday
Jack and Jerry standing in Genevieve's living room for her birthday (last names unknown); the piano is behind them and Jerry is holding a drink in one hand.
Jack kissing Jennifer on the head
Jack standing next to Jennifer and giving her a kiss on her head; Jennifer is holding an umbrella; both standing by Genevieve's piano and the roses McShann sent are on top of it. Last names unknown.
Jay McShann and Genevieve in front of a Christmas tree
Jay McShann being hugged by Genevieve (last name unknown) while standing in front of a silver Christmas tree in an unidentified home.
Jay McShann giving Zoe a hug
Jay McShann hugging Zoe (last name unknown) in her living room; a television set and recliner can be seen; Lincoln, Nebraska.
Jay McShann seated on a sofa with three others
Jay McShann with a cigarette in his mouth seated on a sofa with two unidentified African American women and an unidentified African American man seated on the sofa arm; the woman next to McShann also...
Jay McShann standing in the middle of a living room
Jay McShann standing in the middle of a living room in front of a window with the blinds down; a television set can be seen in one corner.
Jay McShann with three other unidentified men in a living room
Jay McShann seated on a red couch with an older white man's arm around his back supporting him along with two other men (African American and white) on other chairs; the white man opposite McShann is...