Bob Haggart playing bass
Bob Haggart playing bass in Glenwood Springs, Colorado; a microphone is set up in front of him.
Close up Jay McShann smiling in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann smiling at an unidentified restaurant in Madarao, Japan.
Close up of Jay McShann
Close up of Jay McShann seated with hands folded; wearing a light grey suit; unidentified location.
Close up of Jay McShann at a Kansas City diner
Closer up photo of Jay McShann seated at a table in a diner in Kansas City; he's wearing a winter jacket, black hat; on the wall behind him are various album covers, records, instruments, drawings...
Close up of Jay McShann playing an electronic piano and singing
Close up of Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano
Close of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified residence in Excelsior Springs, Missouri; behind him are bookshelves and a mother-in-law tongue plant.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano
Close up of Jay McShann in a suit, playing piano; facing the left of the photo; unidentified location or event.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone on stage during the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; facing the right of the photo.
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing on stage in Japan
Close up of Jay McShann playing piano and singing into a microphone at the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; facing the right of the photo.
Close up of Jay McShann smiling
Close up of Jay McShann smiling while in Madarao, Japan.
Close up of Jay McShann's arm and hand playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's arm hand while playing piano at an unidentified bar.
Close up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano along with a set list at the edge of the keyboard; at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Close up of Jay McShann's hands playing piano
Close-up of Jay McShann's hands while playing an electronic piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival.
Genevieve admiring roses Jay McShann sent her
Genevieve seated at her piano, admiring roses from Jay McShann on her birthday; a chair, sofa, and coffee table can be seen behind her.
Genevieve making black-eyed peas for New Year's
Genevieve at a kitchen table with a pan, a bottle of whiskey, and a bag of black-eyed peas in her hand; looking up at the camera.
Genevieve playing piano
Genevieve playing piano while showing a bit of leg; wearing a black hat; roses sent to her from Jay McShann are on top of the piano.
Genevieve sitting in her living room with a magazine
Genevieve seated in a chair in her living room reading a magazine; a table with a lamp and another chair are beside her and a large window is on the wall beside her.
George Findlay seated at a bar
George Findlay, friend of Jay McShann, seated at a bar looking directly into the camera; wearing a t-shirt with the logo "Roomful of blues"; other people seen behind him; unidentified location.
Gloria McShann at her kitchen table
Gloria McShann seated at her kitchen table; left over meal and a piling of mail are still on the table.
Gloria McShann in a blue gingham dress
Gloria McShann in a light blue gingham dress looking surprised; unidentified location.
Gloria McShann in a fur coat
Gloria McShann standing in a living room wearing a black fur coat; looking at the camera and smiling.
Gloria McShann standing beside an iron gate
Gloria McShann standing outside decorative iron gates with brick columns on either side; wearing a white outfit, hat, and sunglasses; unidentified location.
Granddaughter holding Jay McShann's Street of Jazz award
Granddaughter standing in front of a brick wall holding Jay McShann's 1984 Street of Jazz Award.
Gregg in a karate gi
Gregg in karate gi striking a pose in a portrait; flash of light at one hand.
Gus Johnson playing drums
Gus Johnson playing drums and wearing a light blue suit; red curtain background.