Jay McShann and others at the Off Beat Club in Chicago
Jay McShann, Honey Boy Williams, unidentified African American man, Jonah Jones, and Gene Ramey seated around a table at the Off Beat Club, 222 North State in Chicago, Illinois; all looking at the...
Jay McShann and others on stage during a IAJRC concert
Jay McShann playing piano on stage during an IAJRC conference concert in Kansas City; (Jay McShann, piano; Claude Williams, violin; Ben Kynard, saxophone; Lucky Wesley, bass; Rusty Tucker, drums).
Jay McShann and others performing while people dance
Jay McShann and his orchestra (African American and white men) performing at an unidentified social event or dance; various couples (white)can be seen dancing in front of the stage.
Jay McShann and others seated in a circle
Jay McShann seated in a circle of chairs with others (African American and white men) while talking and laughing; unknown event.
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther
Jay McShann seated next to drummer Paul Gunther in a booth with glasses on the table; Gunther has a pipe in his mouth and is looking up at the camera; McShann is listening to someone unseen on the...
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther on stage
Jay McShann playing piano with a microphone in front of him with drummer Paul Gunther behind him; and unidentified third man can be partially seen; unidentified venue.
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther posing for a photo with an unidentified man
Jay McShann, wearing a jacket and hat, posing for a photo between and unidentified man and Paul Gunther, who is holding a pipe in one hand; England.
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther standing beside a car
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther standing side by side by a car and looking over to the left of the photo; an unidentified white man is partially seen in front of them; unknown location.
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther watching as a process is explained to them by an unidentified man
Jay McShann and Paul Gunther watch as an unidentified man explains some sort of process in a laboratory or factory; England.
Jay McShann and Porter holding up an LP
Jay McShann and Porter (whether it's his first or last name unknown) holding up an LP between them; standing in front of a car parked in front of an unidentified home.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton posing together for a photo; both smiling and looking directly at the camera.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann from the side and slightly behind playing piano and singing on stage with Ralph Sutton also playing a piano; some of the audience can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton on stage both playing pianos
Jay McShann with his back to the camera on stage with Ralph Sutton, both playing a piano; microphones set up all around and the heads of a few audience members can be seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann and Ralph Sutton with unidentified man
Jay McShann, Ralph Sutton, and unidentified white man posing together for a photo outside an unidentified residence with a view of other houses seen through trees behind them; unknown location.
Jay McShann and three others
Unidentified man and woman, Jay McShann, and Genevieve (last name unknown) pose for a photo together leaning against a car parked in front of an unidentified home; Genevieve is turned to the side to...
Jay McShann and three others
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified white men during a trip to Germany and Austria; the man in the back is making some sort of gesture with his hand; there is a faux stuffed...
Jay McShann and two others in Colorado Springs
Jay McShann in a tuxedo standing between an unidentified white man and woman, both of whom are turned to the side facing each other; Colorado Springs, Labor Day, 1981.
Jay McShann and two unidentified men
Jay McShann in shorts posing for a photo with two unidentified African American men in leisure clothes; the unidentified men's heads are partially cut off in the shot; unknown location.
Jay McShann and unidentified bassist playing on a river boat
Jay McShann and unidentified white male bassist playing on an unidentified river boat; photo taken from McShann's side and the bassist is behind him; microphone set up near McShann; unidentified...
Jay McShann and unidentified couple
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified couple beside a car parked in front of an unidentified house.
Jay McShann and unidentified Japanese man standing by a car
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man holding a red tote bag and standing beside a car; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann and unidentified man smoking
Jay McShann and an unidentified African American man seated side by side on a couch smoking; the man is holding a pack of Marlboros in one hand; McShann is looking directly at the camera while the...
Jay McShann and unidentified man standing by a car
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified man standing by a car parked in front of an unidentified home; facing the camera and smiling.
Jay McShann and unidentified man with microphone
Jay McShann playing piano while an unidentified white man with a microphone and plaid jacket leans down next to him with an arm on his shoulder; unidentified private residence in Excelsior Springs...
Jay McShann and unidentified saxophonist performing on a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male saxophonist on an unidentified river boat; McShann has a microphone in front of him and is looking over to the right of the photo; the...