Jay McShann with a bottle of wine
Jay McShann seated at dining table in an unidentified restaurant with a bottle of wine and wine glass in front of him; a painting is on the wall behind him; McShann is looking toward the left of the...
Jay McShann with a cigarette
Jay McShann holding a cigarette with a crowded background in Geneva, Switzerland; McShann is facing the camera and smiling slightly.
Jay McShann with a paisley tie
Jay McShann smiling wearing a suit with a paisley tie; facing the right of the photograph against a black background.
Jay McShann with family
Jay McShann (left) posing for a photo with his cousin Marrele Overstreet (right) with Marrele's wife Dorothy (center); Detroit, Michigan.
Jay McShann with Gus Johnson, John Tumino, and Gene Ramey
Jay McShann (seated) posing for a photo with Gus Johnson, John Tumino, and Gene Ramey; Tumino is holding a drink in one hand; all wearing suits and ties; Ramey is looking off toward the lower right of...
Jay McShann with his orchestra
Jay McShann and his orchestra; (top row L-R) Bobby Hopkins, drums; Pete Anderson, bass; (bottom row L-R) David Newman (likely), clarinet or saxophone; Pete Haney, saxophone, Joe Whitfield, saxophone...
Jay McShann with Jackie Williams and Jimmy McGriff
The Jay McShann Trio: Jay McShann flanked by Jimmy McGriff and Jackie Williams; seated in a hotel room during a jazz festival in Baltimore, Maryland.
Jay McShann with Myra Taylor
Jay McShann leaning in and sharing a laugh with Myra Taylor during the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival Media Day; both seated with people seen behind them, including one man taking a photograph.
Jay McShann with Terje Venaas at the Oslo Jazz Festival
Jay McShann, seated, with bassist Terje Venaas leaning over him at Det Apne Teater (The Open Theater) during the Oslo Jazz Festival; Oslo, Norway; part of Venaas' bass can be seen.
Jay McShann with unidentified man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white man whose head is turned to look over at McShann; trees and other buildings behind them; unknown location.
Jay McShann with unidentified man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white man; arm in arm and facing the camera; buildings can be seen behind them; unknown location.
Jay McShann with unidentified woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified woman in glasses in the stairwell; McShann has one arm around her and his holding a paper cup and a pack of cigarettes in the other hand; both facing...
Jay McShann with Victoria Tarlow and Bruce Ricker
Jay McShann seated for a photograph with associate producer Victoria Tarlow on the left and director Bruce Ricker on the right; both of the documentary film "The Last of the Blue Devils".
Jay McShann's sister Dutch McShann
Portrait of Jay McShann's sister Dutch McShann; body facing the camera with head turned to look to the left of the photo.
John Packer and Jay McShann
John Packer with Jay McShann at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri; Packer is leaning on his bass watching McShann play piano; a microphone is also in the photo between them and McShann's...
Musicians playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Seven members of an orchestra playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri; four saxophonists and three trumpet players are pictured along with a partial...
Paul Gunther looks surprised
Paul Gunther outside looking surprised and turned to the left of the photo; trees can be seen behind and he's carrying an ink pen in his shirt pocket.
Pete Haney playing saxophone with Jay McShann's Orchestra
Pete Haney standing to play saxophone with the Jay McShann Orchestra; other musicians in the photo (L-R) Bobby Hopkins, drums, David Newman (likely), saxophone; Pete Anderson, bassist (mostly hidden...
Photo of Jay McShann at the piano
Photo of Jay McShann seated at the piano with ornate patterned wallpaper behind him; wearing a dark suit and polka-dot tie; hands on the keys and turned to the right of the photo with head turned back...
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him, keyboard clearly visible; turned to the right of the photo with eyes closed while he sings.
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him; turned to the right of the photo and head tilted slightly back with eyes closed.
Portrait of Candy Johnson
Publicity shot of Candy Johnson holding his saxophone and wearing a tuxedo with a ruffled shirt; facing the camera.
Portrait of David "Fathead" Newman with his saxophone
David "Fathead" Newman seated holding a glass of water and his saxophone; possibly between sessions; smiling and looking over to the right of the photo.
Portrait of James VanBuren
Publicity shot of James Van Buren; hand on his chin and head turned to look at the camera.
Portrait of Jay McShann
Portrait of Jay McShann in a checked suit; body turned partway to the left of the photo and head turned back to look at the camera.