Jay McShann receiving an award
Jay McShann standing up from his piano and reaching out to receive plaque award from an unidentified man at the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival.
Jay McShann receiving an award at the Wichita Jazz Festival
Jay McShann receiving an award during the Wichita Jazz Festival; unidentified African American man standing next to McShann and lifting his glasses to dry his eyes.
Jay McShann receiving an honorary key
Jay McShann receiving an honorary key and framed certificate from an unidentified white man in plaid pants; three other unidentified men (two white, one African American) are on either side of them...
Jay McShann rehearsing
Jay McShann rehearsing on a piano with microphone beside him in an unidentified concert hall; facing the left of the photo; lights, stairs, and a balcony can be seen behind him.
Jay McShann shaking hands and laughing with Rev Mullins
Jay McShann shaking hands and laughing with Rev Mullins; both wearing suits.
Jay McShann smoking while playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with a cigarette in his mouth in an unidentified recording studio; facing the right of the photo.
Jay McShann speaking with Rev Mullins
Jay McShann seated and speaking with Rev Mullins who is leaning down to his level; photo taken from just past McShann's right side looking to the left; a book shelf is behind them both.
Jay McShann with a bottle of wine
Jay McShann seated at dining table in an unidentified restaurant with a bottle of wine and wine glass in front of him; a painting is on the wall behind him; McShann is looking toward the left of the...
Jay McShann with a cigarette
Jay McShann holding a cigarette with a crowded background in Geneva, Switzerland; McShann is facing the camera and smiling slightly.
Jay McShann with Myra Taylor
Jay McShann leaning in and sharing a laugh with Myra Taylor during the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival Media Day; both seated with people seen behind them, including one man taking a photograph.
Jay McShann with Terje Venaas at the Oslo Jazz Festival
Jay McShann, seated, with bassist Terje Venaas leaning over him at Det Apne Teater (The Open Theater) during the Oslo Jazz Festival; Oslo, Norway; part of Venaas' bass can be seen.
Musicians playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Seven members of an orchestra playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri; four saxophonists and three trumpet players are pictured along with a partial...
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him, keyboard clearly visible; turned to the right of the photo with eyes closed while he sings.
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him; turned to the right of the photo and head tilted slightly back with eyes closed.
Ralph Sutton, Milt Hinton, Jay McShann, and Gus Johnson
Ralph Sutton, Milt Hinton, Jay McShann, and Gus Johnson all posing together for a photograph in an room labeled "Convention Plaza Ballroom Center" in New Jersey; all are looking over to the left of...
Unidentified older woman in front of the stage
Unidentified woman at an unidentified fraternal organization event wearing a fez and white evening gown with long white gloves and facing the left of the photo while standing in front of the stage...
Unknown jazz trumpet players at unknown venue
Four unidentified jazz trumpet players with their instruments (three white women in matching outfits and one white man in a gray suit with glasses); the three women from the right of the photo are...