Portrait of Sonny Stitt
Portrait of Sonny Stitt; looking over to the right of the photo.
Portrait of the Rhythm Kings
Portrait of the Rhythm Kings standing in a row turned to face the left and behind a banner with the band's name on it.
Portrait of unidentified bassist
Portrait of an unidentified bassist playing.
Publicity photo of Jay McShann
Publicity shot of Jay McShann wearing a striped suit and tie; body turned to the left and leaning forward with head turned to face the camera; smiling.
Publicity photo of Jay McShann at the piano
Publicity shot of Jay McShann at piano wearing a jacket and wide patterned tie; hands on the keys and turned slightly to the right of the photo with head turned back to the camera, smiling; a jacket...
Publicity photo of Jay McShann in a white jacket
Publicity shot of Jay McShann wearing a white jacket with bow tie; standing turned slightly to the left of the photo with one hand in his pants' pocket and the other resting on his leg; smiling.
Publicity photo of Jay McShann in front of a barber shop and billiards parlor
Publicity shot of Jay McShann wearing a hat and suit and tie standing outside of a window reading "Barber Shop and Billiard Parlor, Hair Cut 35 [cents]".
Ralph Sutton, Milt Hinton, Jay McShann, and Gus Johnson
Ralph Sutton, Milt Hinton, Jay McShann, and Gus Johnson all posing together for a photograph in an room labeled "Convention Plaza Ballroom Center" in New Jersey; all are looking over to the left of...
Reprint of a caricature of Jay McShann playing piano
Reprint of a caricature of Jay McShann playing piano with a mug of beer on top of the piano.
Unidentified guitarist performing
Unidentified guitarist playing in front of a music stand with a print of a cars up on blocks hanging on the wall behind him; unidentified location or event.
Unidentified guitarist performing
Unidentified guitarist playing; other musicians are seen behind him; unknown location or performance.
Unidentified older woman in front of the stage
Unidentified woman at an unidentified fraternal organization event wearing a fez and white evening gown with long white gloves and facing the left of the photo while standing in front of the stage...