Actor Conrad Janis speaking
Actor Conrad Janis speaking during an event for USAir at the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel; an unidentified white man is on the left and an unidentified African American man is the second from the...
Ahmad Alaadeen, Terry Hughes, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be playing piano but he's blocked from view in the...
Bob Haggart playing bass
Bob Haggart playing bass in Glenwood Springs, Colorado; a microphone is set up in front of him.
Bruce Ricker, Jay McShann and an unidentified bearded man posing for a photo
Bruce Ricker, Jay McShann, and unidentified bearded white man holding a cigarette posing together for a photo at an unidentified location with Egyptian hieroglyphics décor on one wall; all looking at...
Close up of Jay McShann wearing glasses
Close up of Jay McShann while he's wearing his glasses and playing piano; behind him bassist Brian Harmon is partially seen; unknown venue.
Duke Ellington at an honor event
Duke Ellington (left) with unidentified white men and women (one African American man); members of the press around seen around them with cameras, and microphones; they are standing by a large stone...
Eddie Cleanhead Vinson and unidentified bassist on stage
Eddie Cleanhead Vinson seated and singing into a microphone with his saxophone in his lap; an unidentified white male bassist is behind him; also seen is a drum set and piano; unidentified bar.
Eddie Cleanhead Vinson and unidentified bassist on stage
Saxophonist Eddie Cleanhead Vinson on stage with his saxophone resting beside him with a partially seen, unidentified white male bassist behind him along with a drum set and piano; Vinson has his legs...
Eddie Cleanhead Vinson and unidentified bassist on stage
Saxophonist Eddie Cleanhead Vinson and unidentified white male bassist performing on stage at an unidentified bar; a drum set and piano can be seen behind them.
George Findlay seated at a bar
George Findlay, friend of Jay McShann, seated at a bar looking directly into the camera; wearing a t-shirt with the logo "Roomful of blues"; other people seen behind him; unidentified location.
Gloria McShann with Jay and Marianne McShann and unidentified man and woman
Gloria McShann, Jay McShann, unidentified white man and white woman, and Marianne McShann (Thelma Adams) standing around a podium at an unknown event; Gloria is wearing a bright red coat with black...
Gloria McShann with unidentified man
Gloria McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified man in a red turtleneck and tan coat and glasses; Gloria is wearing a red leather coat with black fur trim and matching hat; unknown event.
Gloria McShann with unidentified woman in a restaurant
Gloria McShann and unidentified woman at a table in unknown restaurant; both looking up at the camera; other diners (white men and women) can be seen in the background.
Granddaughter accepting the Street of Jazz award on behalf of Jay McShann
Granddaughter receiving a 1984 Street of Jazz Award for Jay McShann; unidentified white male presenter; audience members behind her (white men and women).
Group photo of Jay McShann with four fans
Jay McShann (center) posing for a photo with four fans backstage during an unidentified event; fans are all men and all standing with arms across each others' shoulders, facing the camera and smiling...
Group photo of Jay McShann, James Harmon and others
Group photo of Jay McShann with a black hat (center) with James Harman (far left), Floyd Dixon (2nd from left), Alvin Youngblood Hart (tallest in the back), and two unidentified men and Dave Honeyboy...
Group photo with Gloria McShann and three others
Gloria McShann posing with group of unidentified people in a private residence; all looking at the camera and smiling.
Group photo with Gloria McShann, Lester Blue and three others
Gloria McShann and Lester Blue posing for a photo with three other unidentified people in a living room; all facing the camera and smiling.
Group photo with Nobel "Duke" Samuels, Terry Hughes, Mr. Whitekeys, and Jay McShann
Group shot outside (L to R): Nobel Samuels, Terry Hughes, Mr. Whitekeys (club owner), and Jay McShann in Anchorage, Alaska; large hill with a red building in the background.
Gus Johnson whispers something to Jay McShann
Gus Johnson whispers something to Jay McShann who is leaning over to hear him and smiling; both seated together at a table during and unknown event; others are seen around them.
Hootie's groupies outside the changing rooms of a hotel
Hootie's groupies (from L to R): Ross, Kirby, Gloria Henderson, John Henderson, Oliver Jones, Jane Eddy; Paradise Valley; all standing in a loose group outside the changing rooms at the Paradise...
Jay McShann and Ahmad Alaadeen performing
Jay McShann and Ahmad Alaadeen performing while being filmed by a white male cameraman; other people can be seen behind them; at the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas City, Missouri.
Jay McShann and Brian Harmon
Jay McShann and Brian Harmon; unknown venue.
Jay McShann and David Driver
Jay McShann posing for a photo with David Driver in London, England; McShann is wearing a grey suit with black shirt, and Driver is wearing a grey windbreaker with plaid shirt; both facing the camera...
Jay McShann and Dr. Daniel Koechlin
Jay McShann and Dr. Daniel Koechlin seated at a table at a park in Nice, France; bottles, snacks, and a radio are on the table; McShann is eating and Koechlin is watching him.