Jay McShann with Al Bartee and unidentified woman at the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Jay McShann seated at a piano and posing for a photo with drummer Al Bartee and unidentified white woman with white hair and glass; poster of Sun Ra is behind them at the Mutual Musicians Foundation...
Jay McShann with Eddie Baker, leader of the New Breed Orchestra
Jay McShann with his back to the camera speaking with Eddie Baker, leader of the New Breed Orchestra at the International Association of Jazz Record Collectors Convention in Kansas City; a piano can...
Jay McShann with Little Brother Montgomery
Jay McShann smiling and playing piano while Little Brother Montgomery looks on; appears to be in a private home.
Jay McShann with Norman Marshall Villeneuve
Jay McShann and Norman Marshall Villeneuve posing together for a photo; both facing the camera and smiling.
Jay McShann with other musicians at the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Jay McShann, seated at a white piano with an unidentified African American male saxophonist standing near him and an unidentified African American male guitarist seated behind him; other people around...
Jay McShann with students around his piano
Jay McShann at piano, surrounded by African American school children while seated at the piano in the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas City, Missouri; most of the kids are holding some sort of...
Jay McShann with three other performers on stage
Photo taken from behind of Jay McShann on stage playing piano with three other unidentified African American male musicians (all seen from behind) at an unidentified concert; members of the audience...
Jay McShann with unidentified man in a pink t-shirt
Jay McShann posing for a photo while seated at the piano with an unidentified bearded man in a pink t-shirt; other musical instruments are all around; at the Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine, Kansas...
Jay McShann writing something at his piano
Jay McShann writing on a piece of paper on top of his piano while at the Innere Enge Hotel in Bern, Switzerland; a microphone is near his hand.
Jay McShann, Duke Robillard, and unidentified bassist performing outdoors
Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano on an outdoor stage with guitarist Duke Robillard, and unidentified white male bassist at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; large building...
Jay McShann, Duke Robillard, and unidentified bassist performing outdoors
Jay McShann, guitarist Duke Robillard, and unidentified white male bassist performing outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; McShann is singing while playing piano; building seen in the...
Jay McShann, Gerald Spaits, and others performing on an outdoor stage
Jay McShann performing on stage with Gerald Spait, bass, and other musicians at an unidentified outdoor concert; banners for Miller Genuine Draft are behind the stage; an unidentified white woman and...
Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham and Ironman Harris performing
Double exposure image featuring Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham, and Ironman Harris all performing on stage at an unknown venue.
Jay McShann, Milt Abel, and Tommy Ruskin performing in Topeka
Jay McShann performing with Milt Abel (bassist), and Tommy Ruskin (drums), at an unidentified event in Topeka, Kansas.
Jay McShann, Paul Gunther and unidentified bassist
Jay McShann seated at a piano posing for a photo with an unidentified white male bassist with long hair and drummer Paul Gunther; a microphone is in front of Gunther; unidentified venue.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; potted plants and a large window with curtains are...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a daytime concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; in front of a curtained window and large potted...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Jay McShann (piano) all performing at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Man watches Jay McShann playing piano at Fat Tuesday's
Jay McShann playing piano at Fat Tuesday's bar with an unidentified smoking African American man looking on from a table behind McShann; a pair of crutches are propped up against the wall next to...
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him, keyboard clearly visible; turned to the right of the photo with eyes closed while he sings.
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him; turned to the right of the photo and head tilted slightly back with eyes closed.
Poster advertising a performance of Jay McShann at the Folly Theater
Photo of the poster advertising Jay McShann's performance at the Folly Theater, Kansas City, Missouri, on September 10, 2003 (likely); poster shows a black and white photo of a younger McShann playing...
Ralph Sutton playing piano
Ralph Sutton playing piano and looking over at the camera; a microphone is in front of him and a row of purple and white petunia's are in the foreground.
Reprint of a late 1950s photo of Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann at a piano in the residence of Jim and Doraen (last names unknown); 8000 W 86th St. in Kansas City, Missouri; photo taken in either 1957 or 1958.