Jay McShann performing on stage with Eddie Baker's New Breed Orchestra
Jay McShann performing on stage with Eddie Baker's New Breed Orchestra; behind McShann is bassist Greg Eicher as well as an American flag; at the International Association of Jazz Record Collectors...
Jay McShann performing on stage with ensemble
Jay McShann (left) playing piano on stage with unidentified ensemble (African American and white men); seen are a clarinetist, trumpet player, trombonist, and saxophonist; various microphones are on...
Jay McShann performing on stage with four others
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with drummer Paul Gunther, unidentified white male double bassist with long hair, and two unidentified white male trumpet players; only the trumpet player in the...
Jay McShann performing on stage with four others
Jay McShann playing piano with Paul Gunther, drums, and unidentified white male trumpet player, unidentified white male bassist, and unidentified African American saxophonist; a sign above them reads...
Jay McShann performing on the SS Norway
Jay McShann playing piano during the Jazz Cruise 1987 onboard the S.S. Norway, International Lounge; smiling and looking out at the audience.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with bassist Brian Harmon beside him; McShann's facing the right of the photo; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with microphone nearby; behind McShann is bassist Brian Harmon; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with microphone nearby; behind McShann bassist Brian Harmon is only partially seen; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with bassist Brian Harmon beside his piano; McShann is facing to the right of the photo; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with bassist Brian Harmon beside his piano; McShann is facing to the right of the photo; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with bassist Brian Harmon
Jay McShann playing piano with bassist Brian Harmon beside his piano; McShann is facing to the right of the photo; unknown venue.
Jay McShann performing with Eddie Baker's New Breed Orchestra
Jay McShann performing on stage with members of Eddie Baker's New Breed Orchestra including Joe Thomas, saxophonist, Greg Eicher, bassist, and unidentified African American male drummer; at the...
Jay McShann performing with Jim Galloway in Toronto
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Jim Galloway during the Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival; McShann is facing the right of the photo and Galloway is standing at the end of the piano; large banner...
Jay McShann performing with Milt Abel and unidentified drummer
Jay McShann playing piano with bassist Milt Abel (likely) and an unidentified African American male drummer at an unidentified event; chairs and a potted plant are behind the trio.
Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes, and unidentified trumpet player
Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes, drums, and unidentified white male trumpet player; behind them is a bookshelf, sound equipment, and a mother-in-law's tongue plant; unidentified residence in...
Jay McShann performing with unidentified trumpet player
Jay McShann performing with an unidentified white male trumpet player in a plaid jacket behind and to the side of him; a drum set can be partially seen at the left; behind him is a bookshelf, sound...
Jay McShann performing with Woody Herman
Jay McShann playing piano with Woody Herman playing clarinet during an unidentified event; a saxophonist and trombonist can be partly seen next to them.
Jay McShann playing a piano with a large microphone by his face
Jay McShann seated behind an upright piano with a large microphone positioned by his face; several glasses, papers, and scores are lying on top of the piano; unidentified location.
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and playing an electronic piano on an outdoor stage at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; behind him are a large fan, sound equipment and a white tent.
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and performing outdoors playing an electronic piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; behind McShann a drum set (no drummer) can be seen.
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and performing outdoors playing an electronic piano with a set list at the edge of the keyboard; at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; behind McShann are large...
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and performing outdoors playing an electronic piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; behind McShann are large fans, sound equipment and a few festival...
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann playing an electric piano and wearing a ball cap outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; facing the right of the photo.
Jay McShann playing an electronic piano and smiling
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and playing piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; McShann is smiling and behind him is a white tent and sound equipment.
Jay McShann playing at an outdoor concert
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with an unidentified African American male bassist, and Paul Gunther, drummer, during an outdoor event; tree at the edge of the stage and tent awnings and more trees...