Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man wearing suspenders and a t-shirt; unidentified restaurant or café in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man at a table
Jay McShann seated with an unidentified Japanese man in a striped shirt at a table in an unidentified restaurant and posing for a photo; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified Japanese man outside a bus
Jay McShann posing for a photo with his arm around the shoulders of an unidentified Japanese man in a red tank top outside of a bus in Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white man on the right; unknown residence.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified man
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified white man who has his arm around his shoulders and is turned to face him; unknown location.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified woman
Jay McShann wearing a musicians pass on his shirt, posing for a photo with an unidentified African American woman wearing a blue ball cap; unidentified event or location.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified woman
Jay McShann, laughing, seated next to an unidentified African American woman at an unknown residence; both looking at the camera; two mountain bikes are leaning against the wall behind them.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with and unidentified man and Paul Gunther
Jay McShann, tall unidentified white man, and drummer Paul Gunther posing together for a photo in a room with floral wallpaper; all wearing suits with ties and facing the camera, smiling.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with and unidentified man and Paul Gunther
Jay McShann, unidentified white man, and drummer Paul Gunther posing together for a photo in a room with floral wallpaper; all wearing suits with ties and facing the camera, smiling.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with four others
Jay McShann posing for a photo with four unidentified men (threee African American, one white; two on either side of him).
Jay McShann posing for a photo with Gene Harris, Roger Kellaway, and Monty Alexander
Jay McShann (far right) posing for a photo with Gene Harris, Roger Kellaway, and Monty Alexander; Harris is holding a beer bottle; unidentified location or event.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with George in the pool
Jay McShann, and George [surname unknown] posing for a photo while in a swimming pool in Nice France; arms around each other and shirtless.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with his cousin Gloria McShann
Jay McShann posing for a photo with his cousin Gloria McShann; Gloria is wearing a large white hat with black trim and sunglasses; both facing the camera and smiling; unknown location.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with Maureen Rowling and Larry Milberry
Maureen Rowling, Jay McShann, and Larry Milberry posing for a photo together at Montreal Bistro in Montreal, Canada; another unidentified person can be seen in the background.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with Reverdy Mullins
Jay McShann posing for a photo with Reverdy Mullins with his arm around McShann's shoulder and holding a glass; both men are laughing; bookshelves are in the background.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified Japanese people
Jay McShann outside posing for a photo with three unidentified Japanese people (two men, one woman); the woman and the man in the green shirt are both wearing hats; all facing the camera and smiling...
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified men
Jay McShann outside posing for a photo with three other men (two African American, one white) and smoking a cigarette; trees and other buildings can be seen behind them.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified people
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified white people in an unknown residence; a man and woman on McShann's left and a man on his right; all facing forward looking at the camera.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified people
Jay McShann posing for a photo with three unidentified white people in an unknown residence; a man and woman on McShann's left and a man on his right; all facing another, unseen camera to the right of...
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two men
Jay McShann (left) posing for a photo with Graham, and blues musician Anson Funderburgh amongst the audience at an unidentified event; other attendees can be seen behind them; all three looking at the...
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified Japanese people
Jay McShann posing for a photo with unidentified Japanese couple; the woman is leaning against McShann and holding on to her hat; Madarao, Japan.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified men
Jay McShann in a tan suit posing for a photo with two unidentified white men on either side of him; the man on the left is in his late teens to early twenties; unidentified location.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified people
Jay McShann seated next to an unidentified African American woman with a white man standing behind them leaning down between them with his arms around both their shoulders.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified people
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified people (African American man (left), and a Japanese woman (right)) at an unidentified Japan-USA event/farewell reception; flags of both countries...
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified women
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two unidentified African American woman; McShann and one woman are seated side by side and the other woman in African-style dress is leaning down between them with...