Jay McShann playing piano on stage
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with a combo during an event for the National Association of Jazz Educators; a banner for the association is behind the stage and various members of the audience can...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with a combo during an event for the National Association of Jazz Educators; a banner for the association is behind the stage and various members of the audience can...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage
Jay McShann on stage playing piano; facing the right of the photo; unidentified white man crouching down behind him, possibly a photographer.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage in Europe
Jay McShann playing piano on stage, possibly in Germany or Austria; facing the right of the photo with German language posters announcing his concert on a board behind him.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage in Japan
Jay McShann playing piano on stage at the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; facing the right of the photo.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage in Milan, Italy
Jay McShann playing piano onstage with unidentified African American male bassist and drummer in Milan, Italy; the side of his piano reads "Ibach Mascheroni" and one of the speakers "Lampa".
Jay McShann playing piano on stage outside
Jay McShann playing piano in a light blue suit at an unidentified outdoor event; facing the right of the photo and an unidentified bassist can be partially seen as well as a white male audience member...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen with head turned to the right; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen with head tilted to the left; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Jim Galloway
Jay McShann playing piano with saxophonist Jim Galloway playing into a microphone next to his piano; unknown event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Zoot Sims
Jay McShann on the left playing piano on stage with saxophonist Zoot Sims, an unidentified African American male drummer, and partially seen bassist; unknown event or location.
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera and looking down at the keyboard; behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with two...
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera with his eyes closed and behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with an audience...
Jay McShann playing piano outdoors
Jay McShann performing outdoors at an unidentified event; microphone in front of him he's facing the left of the photo and trees can be seen behind him; wearing a white hat.
Jay McShann playing piano outside
Jay McShann playing piano outside at an unidentified event; facing the right of the photo with trees seen behind him; photo taken from below looking up at McShann.
Jay McShann playing piano outside in Nice, France
Jay McShann playing piano on an outdoor stage in Nice, France; trees and a stage light can be seen behind him.
Jay McShann playing piano together with an unidentified man
Jay McShann and an unidentified white man playing the piano together; the man is wearing a red plaid shirt; seated side by side and facing the left of the photo; unknown residence.
Jay McShann playing piano under a red and white awning
Jay McShann playing piano on stage under a red and white striped awning at an outdoor concert; an RV can be seen beyond him and microphones and speakers are also on stage; photo taken from off stage...
Jay McShann playing piano under a red and white awning
Jay McShann playing piano on stage under a red and white striped awning at an outdoor concert; an RV and two men can be seen beyond him and microphones and speakers are also on stage; photo taken from...
Jay McShann playing piano under a tent
Jay McShann playing piano under an outdoor tent; unidentified man and woman standing next to a camera are seen in background along with a microphone.
Jay McShann playing piano while unidentified clarinetist and bassist look on
Jay McShann playing piano while seated unidentified white male clarinetist and standing unidentified white male double bassist with long hair watch; unidentified venue.
Jay McShann playing piano while wearing glasses
Jay McShann wearing glasses as he plays piano at the Innere Enge Hotel in Bern, Switzerland; a microphone is set up in front of him; head turned to look over at the camera; a white man from the...