Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a daytime concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Joe Newman and Marilyn Moore
Joe Newman seated on a low couch with Marilyn Moore next to him; Newman's holding a microphone and wearing headphones; Moore is wearing a red and white patterned wrap over a white dress; both looking...
John Packer and Jay McShann
John Packer with Jay McShann at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri; Packer is leaning on his bass watching McShann play piano; a microphone is also in the photo between them and McShann's...
Marilyn Moore seated with microphone and headphones
Marilyn Moore seated on a low couch next to a turn-table and holding a microphone and wearing headphones; looking over to the right of the photo and wearing a red and white patterned wrap over a white...
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him, keyboard clearly visible; turned to the right of the photo with eyes closed while he sings.
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano
Photo of Jay McShann playing the piano with a microphone in front of him; turned to the right of the photo and head tilted slightly back with eyes closed.
Ralph Sutton playing piano
Ralph Sutton playing piano and looking over at the camera; a microphone is in front of him and a row of purple and white petunia's are in the foreground.
Reverdy Mullins singing into a microphone
Reverdy Mullins holding a large drink singing into a microphone; beside him Jay McShann is seated at his piano, wearing glasses and smiling; behind him is a bookshelf and a mother-in-law tongue plant...
Unidentified country or bluegrass band performing
Unidentified country or bluegrass quintet (fiddle, banjo, guitars) playing and singing on a small stage in what looks like a barn-like setting; unknown location or event.
View of Jay McShann from behind playing piano in Japan
Shot of Jay McShann from behind while playing piano on stage at the Budweiser Newport Jazz Festival in Madarao, Japan; a large sign with the name of the festival is on the wall beside him.