Unidentified couple in a bar
Unidentified bearded white man in a red t-shirt posing for a photo with an unidentified white woman who has her arms around him; unknown bar.
Unidentified family Karate portrait
Unidentified African American family in karate gi posing for a portrait; mother, and two girls; a white man in a red gi maybe the teacher, or father.
Unidentified man in Austria
Unidentified man with a moustache and shoulder length hair seen from the side (facing the left of the photo); photographed during McShann's trip to Germany and Austria.
Unidentified man with arms raised
Unidentified man in a dark plaid shirt pretending to hold up the ceiling with both arms raised above his head; looking at the camera laughing.
Unidentified people eating dinner
Unidentified white woman, man, and African American man seated at a dining table and eating; the woman is looking directly at the camera; A-1 Steak Sauce is seen on the table; unknown residence and...
Unknown jazz trumpet players at unknown venue
Four unidentified jazz trumpet players with their instruments (three white women in matching outfits and one white man in a gray suit with glasses); the three women from the right of the photo are...
View from across the room of Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Long range shot from across the room of Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Gerald Spaits (bass) (blocked in picture) in Palm Beach, Florida; lots of pink...
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white woman, white men) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.