Jay McShann with unidentified woman
Jay McShann posing for a photo with an unidentified African American woman who has her arm around his neck; both smiling at the camera; unidentified white man drinking something and various musical...
Jay McShann with unidentified woman
Jay McShann seated next to an unidentified African American woman in a bright yellow dress and holding her hand; both looking forward at the camera; musical instruments around them; at the Lincoln...
Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham and Ironman Harris performing
Double exposure image featuring Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham, and Ironman Harris all performing on stage at an unknown venue.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; potted plants and a large window with curtains are...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Jay McShann (piano) all performing at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
John Packer and Jay McShann
John Packer with Jay McShann at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri; Packer is leaning on his bass watching McShann play piano; a microphone is also in the photo between them and McShann's...
Milt Hinton playing on stage
Milt Hinton playing bass on stage; looking over to the left of the photo; piano and drum set can be seen on either side of him; unknown event or location.
Musicians playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation
Seven members of an orchestra playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri; four saxophonists and three trumpet players are pictured along with a partial...
Pete Haney playing saxophone with Jay McShann's Orchestra
Pete Haney standing to play saxophone with the Jay McShann Orchestra; other musicians in the photo (L-R) Bobby Hopkins, drums, David Newman (likely), saxophone; Pete Anderson, bassist (mostly hidden...
Piano with sheet music
Upright mahogany brown piano with opened sheet music and a bench with a blue pad; likely Jay McShann's piano.
Portrait of David "Fathead" Newman with his saxophone
David "Fathead" Newman seated holding a glass of water and his saxophone; possibly between sessions; smiling and looking over to the right of the photo.
Unknown jazz trumpet players at unknown venue
Four unidentified jazz trumpet players with their instruments (three white women in matching outfits and one white man in a gray suit with glasses); the three women from the right of the photo are...