Jay McShann playing piano on stage
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with a combo during an event for the National Association of Jazz Educators; a banner for the association is behind the stage and various members of the audience can...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage outside
Jay McShann playing piano in a light blue suit at an unidentified outdoor event; facing the right of the photo and an unidentified bassist can be partially seen as well as a white male audience member...
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera and looking down at the keyboard; behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with two...
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of a river boat
Jay McShann playing piano on the deck of an unidentified river boat; McShann's facing the camera with his eyes closed and behind him is an unidentified white male saxophonist along with an audience...
Jay McShann playing piano while wearing glasses
Jay McShann wearing glasses as he plays piano at the Innere Enge Hotel in Bern, Switzerland; a microphone is set up in front of him; head turned to look over at the camera; a white man from the...
Jay McShann playing piano with an unidentified combo
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male guitarist, bassist, and drummer; part of the audience is seen in front of the stage; unknown location or event.
Jay McShann playing piano with an unidentified combo
Jay McShann playing piano with an unidentified jazz combo; photo taken from a point behind the audience; unidentified venue and event.
Jay McShann playing piano with audience behind him
Jay McShann playing piano with his back to an audience which can be seen in the photo; unidentified event and place.
Jay McShann playing piano with audience behind him
Jay McShann at piano, facing the left of the photo with audience drinking and looking on behind him; performance at the Chick n' Deli in Toronto, Ontario.
Jay McShann posing for a photo with two men
Jay McShann (left) posing for a photo with Graham, and blues musician Anson Funderburgh amongst the audience at an unidentified event; other attendees can be seen behind them; all three looking at the...
Jay McShann smiling for the camera
Close up shot of Jay McShann smiling for the camera and an unidentified event in Brownsville, Nebraska; other people can be seen behind him.
Jay McShann speaking with a woman while playing piano
Jay McShann seen from behind playing the piano while an unidentified white woman from the audience leans down with an arm around his shoulders to talk to him; unidentified bar.
Jay McShann speaking with an audience member
Jay McShann standing up from the piano and leaning over to speak with an unidentified white woman from the audience at an unidentified bar; other people can be seen around them.
Jay McShann speaking with an audience member while smoking a cigarette
Jay McShann turned away from his piano and smoking a cigarette while speaking with an unidentified white woman from the audience; unknown bar.
Jay McShann standing amongst an audience
Jay McShann standing amidst a clapping audience (white men and women, African American women) at an unidentified restaurant.
Jay McShann with Duke Robillard
Jay McShann posing for a photo with guitarist Duke Robillard at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; a large crowd of festival goers can be seen behind them along with some buildings.
Jay McShann with three other performers on stage
Photo taken from behind of Jay McShann on stage playing piano with three other unidentified African American male musicians (all seen from behind) at an unidentified concert; members of the audience...
Jay McShann, Gerald Spaits, and others performing on an outdoor stage
Jay McShann performing on stage with Gerald Spait, bass, and other musicians at an unidentified outdoor concert; banners for Miller Genuine Draft are behind the stage; an unidentified white woman and...
Jay McShann, Milt Abel, and Tommy Ruskin performing in Topeka
Jay McShann performing with Milt Abel (bassist), and Tommy Ruskin (drums), at an unidentified event in Topeka, Kansas.
Paul Gunther on stage during an outdoor concert
Drummer Paul Gunther playing on stage during an unidentified outdoor concert; other people can be seen on stage with him and audience members and tent awnings can be seen beyond the stage.
Reprint of a painting of Jay McShann playing piano in a crowded bar
Reprint of oil on linen painting of Jay McShann playing piano in a crowded bar; painting by Maxine Schacker.
Unidentified older woman in front of the stage
Unidentified woman at an unidentified fraternal organization event wearing a fez and white evening gown with long white gloves and facing the left of the photo while standing in front of the stage...
Unknown jazz trumpet players at unknown venue
Four unidentified jazz trumpet players with their instruments (three white women in matching outfits and one white man in a gray suit with glasses); the three women from the right of the photo are...
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white woman, white men) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in a bar
View from behind of Jay McShann playing piano in an unidentified bar; audience members (white women) can be seen standing and sitting beyond the piano.