Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Butch Miles behind him; McShann is facing the left of the photo; Miles' image is blurred and only partially seen with head tilted to the left; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with Zoot Sims
Jay McShann on the left playing piano on stage with saxophonist Zoot Sims, an unidentified African American male drummer, and partially seen bassist; unknown event or location.
Jay McShann playing piano with an unidentified combo
Jay McShann playing piano with unidentified white male guitarist, bassist, and drummer; part of the audience is seen in front of the stage; unknown location or event.
Jay McShann pointing out his fellow musicians on stage
Jay McShann turned from his piano to face the audience and point to his fellow musicians on stage with him including Paul Gunther, drums, with unidentified white male bassist, unidentified white male...
Jay McShann shaking hands with someone while Bobby Rosengarden applauds
Jay McShann shaking hands with someone (blocked from view) over his piano while drummer Bobby Rosengarden applauds from the side; an unidentified white woman is seated behind McShann's piano; unknown...
Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap singing into a microphone and playing an electronic piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; the head of an unidentified drummer can be partially seen over the...
Jay McShann singing and playing an electronic piano
Jay McShann singing and playing and electronic piano outdoors at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; behind McShann the head of an unidentified white male drummer can be seen over the drum set.
Jay McShann with Norman Marshall Villeneuve
Jay McShann and Norman Marshall Villeneuve posing together for a photo; both facing the camera and smiling.
Jay McShann, Gerald Spaits, and others performing on an outdoor stage
Jay McShann performing on stage with Gerald Spait, bass, and other musicians at an unidentified outdoor concert; banners for Miller Genuine Draft are behind the stage; an unidentified white woman and...
Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham and Ironman Harris performing
Double exposure image featuring Jay McShann, Jimmy Cheatham, and Ironman Harris all performing on stage at an unknown venue.
Jay McShann, Milt Abel, and Tommy Ruskin performing in Topeka
Jay McShann performing with Milt Abel (bassist), and Tommy Ruskin (drums), at an unidentified event in Topeka, Kansas.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; potted plants and a large window with curtains are...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a daytime concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Jay McShann (piano) performing together at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; in front of a curtained window and large potted...
Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Jay McShann (piano) all performing at a concert in Palm Beach, Florida.
Paul Gunther on stage during an outdoor concert
Drummer Paul Gunther playing on stage during an unidentified outdoor concert; other people can be seen on stage with him and audience members and tent awnings can be seen beyond the stage.
Terry Hughes performing with unidentified trumpet player
Terry Hughes playing drums with an unidentified white male trumpet player in a plaid jacket; the edge of McShann's shoulder and piano and be seen on the right; bookshelves can be seen behind them...
View from across the room of Jay McShann, Terry Hughes, Ahmad Alaadeen, and Gerald Spaits performing
Long range shot from across the room of Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Gerald Spaits (bass) (blocked in picture) in Palm Beach, Florida; lots of pink...