Jay McShann playing an electronic piano and smiling
Jay McShann wearing a ball cap and playing piano at the 2004 Western Maryland Blues Festival; McShann is smiling and behind him is a white tent and sound equipment.
Jay McShann playing at an outdoor concert
Jay McShann playing piano on stage with an unidentified African American male bassist, and Paul Gunther, drummer, during an outdoor event; tree at the edge of the stage and tent awnings and more trees...
Jay McShann playing electric keyboard
Jay McShann wearing a hat and playing an electric piano during JazzFest Berlin in November 1994.
Jay McShann playing in a trio at the Montreal Bistro
Jay McShann playing piano as part of a trio with Jim Galloway (saxophone), and Dan Thompson (bass) at the Montreal Bistro in Toronto, Canada.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at the Innere Enge Hotel in Bern, Switzerland; facing the right of the photo; a television is hanging above where he's seated.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with a microphone close to his mouth; facing the right of the photo, eyes closed; unidentified event.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann in a grey suit playing piano on stage during an unknown concert; his head is turned to the left of his keyboard.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano on stage; photo taken from behind and the to the side; other musicians can only partly be seen from behind standing in front of the piano and parts of the audience can also...
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano on stage; photo taken from behind and the to the side; other musicians can't be seen in the photo.
Jay McShann playing piano
Photo from behind of Jay McShann playing piano with microphone in front of him at an unidentified venue.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann seated at a piano, hands on the keyboard and looking over at the camera; wearing a striped polo shirt and smiling; unknown location.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano while wearing his glasses; looking down and to the right of the photo; behind him is a bookshelf, sound equipment, and a mother-in-law's tongue plant; unidentified residence...
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with microphone near him; piano set next to a stone wall; the hands of a clarinetist or saxophonist are seen at the left; McShann facing the right of the photo; unidentified...
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano wearing a tan colored jacket with curtains beside him; facing the right of the photo.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano; seated with body facing the right of the photo; on the wall beside him is a poster advertising a performance of The Scamps at the Musik Halle.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with microphone in front of him; leaning back and laughing as he plays; unknown event or location.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann at piano with a microphone in front of him; facing the right of the photo with head turned to looked out over the audience; wearing a suit and tie.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann at piano looking down at the keyboard; photo taken looking at McShann from over the top of the piano.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano with a large microphone above him; facing the left of the photo.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano; seated with body facing the right of the photo and head turned to look over his shoulder at the audience; smiling.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann and band performing: Gene Ramey (bass), McShann (piano), Gus Johnson (drums), Walter Brown (vocals), Bud Gould (trombone), unidentified, Bernard "Step Buddy" Anderson (trumpet); McShann is...
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano on stage; facing the right of the photo; microphones and some audience members can be seen in the foreground.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at an unidentified event; facing the right of the photo with a row of microphones set up along the stage; the heads of a few audience members can be seen.
Jay McShann playing piano
Jay McShann playing piano at an unidentified event; facing the left of the photo with a row of microphones beside him and the piano.
Jay McShann playing piano and laughing
Jay McShann playing piano and laughing during a performance in Ann Arbor, Michigan; McShann is looking over toward the right of the photo and the heads of two audience members can be seen as well.