1 - 8 of 8 items

Bea Marie Mejia hands an award to Rachel Estada


Bea Marie Mejia, the Mexican American woman on the right, holds an award with another Mexican American woman, Rachel Estada, on the left at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City community service awards...

Date Published

Five women talk as they eat together


Five Mexican American women dine together at a long table at a banquet at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City awards dinner. Bea Marie Mejia sits at the head of the table. Rachel Estada is to Bea...

Date Published

Kathy Quinn speaks during a MANA de Kansas City event


Kathy Quinn, a Mexican American female television journalist, looks to her right as she speaks into a microphone she holds with her right hand at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City awards dinner. The...

Date Published

Rachel Estada speaks at an event


A Mexican American woman, Rachel Estada, holds a microphone as she stands behind a lectern and speaks to a crowd at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City awards dinner. Bea Marie Mejia stands behind her...

Date Published