Three women and a boy prepare menudo during the Menudo dinner
Three Mexican American women, left to right DaLinda Galaviz, Dina Castro, and Mary Lou Jaramillo, stand around a table in the kitchen with meet and Coors beer cans on it preparing menudo during the...
Three women and a boy prepare menudo for the Menudo dinner
Three Mexican American women, left to right: Beatrice Rodriguez, DaLinda Galaviz, and Mary Lou Jaramillo, and one Mexican American boy stand in the kitchen preparing menudo for the Menudo dinner at...
Three women attend to their booths during the MANA Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Two Mexican American women sit talking to each other in the Women Studies Program, UNM [University of New Mexico] and Albq. [Albuquerque] Human Right Office booth as an African American woman stands...
Three women cook during the MANA de Kansas City mole dinner for the Mattie Rhodes Center
Three Mexican American women, one with her back to the camera, cook in large pots in a kitchen during the MANA de Kansas City mole dinner for the Mattie Rhodes Center. This is likely at the Guadalupe...
Three women count gambling chips during a MANA de Kansas City event
Three Mexican American women seated at a conference table, Michelle Garcia on the left, divide gambling chips during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A three-ring binder and two name placards sit...
Three women eat a meal
Three Mexican American women sit at a table and eat a meal at an unknown MANA de Kansas City event.
Three women grin as they hug
Three Mexican American women, all wearing blue, grin as they hug each other and look at the camera. The woman on the right side of the photograph is Mary Lou Jaramillo.
Three women play with gambling chips during a MANA de Kansas City event
Two Mexican American women sit at a 'L'-shaped table and play with gambling chips as a third woman looks out toward the room during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A teddy bear wrapped in...
Three women share cocktails at a restaurant
Three Mexican American women sit at a restaurants table with cocktails and smile at the camera at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Two of the women wear name tags.
Three women sit at the front of the audience during a MANA de Kansas City event
Three Mexican American women, one with her eyes closed (Sally Ramos), but all smiling, sit in the front row of an audience of Mexican American men and women and white men and women in an auditorium at...
Three women sit during an event on Hispanic Day on the Hill in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas
Three Mexican American women sit during an event for Hispanic Day on the Hill in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas.
Three women sit on a bench
Three Mexican American women sit on a bench and look to the left side of the photograph at an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. The woman on the right holds a beverage.
Three women sit on a couch
Three Mexican American women sit on a couch at an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. The woman in the center holds a beverage. There is a picture of flowers on the wall behind the couch.
Three women sit on chars
Three Mexican American women sit on chairs at an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. The woman on the left and the woman in the center hold beverages.
Three women smile as one holds a basket of wine and wine glasses during a MANA de Kansas City event
Two Mexican American women and one white woman smile to the right as the white woman in the center holds a basket full of wine glasses and wine bottles during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event.
Three women smile as they sit at a table
Three Mexican American women smile at the camera as they sit around a table in a restaurant. The woman in the center is Bea Marie Mejia.
Three women smoke and dine
Three Mexican American women sit at a table. One eats her meal while the two to the left smoke cigarettes at an unknown event.
Three women stand arm-in-arm for a photograph during a MANA de Kansas City event
Three women, two white, one Mexican American stand together arm-in-arm for a photograph during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. The woman on the left wears a ERA (equal rights amendment) lapel...
Three women stand around a chair and talk during a MANA de Kansas City event
Two Mexican American women with their backs to the camera lean their hands on the back of a chair as they talk to a white woman on the other side of the chair during an unknown MANA de Kansas City...
Three women stand together in possibly a hotel lobby
Three Mexican American women stand together in possibly a hotel lobby. They are dress formally. The woman in the center holds a diamond shaped box in her hands. Carolyn Ruiz is farthest to the right...
Three women stand together in the MANA de Kansas City booth at the Hispanic Heritage festival
Three Mexican American women stand together, Sally Ramos, Mary Lou Jaramillo in the center, and possibly Anna Maria Bellatin, inside the MANA de Kansas City booth during the Hispanic Heritage Week...
Three women turn to smile at the camera as they cook for the Hispanic Heritage Festival
Three Mexican American women, one mostly out of the photograph on the right side, turn to smile at the camera as they cook in a large kitchen for Fiesta Hispana or the Hispanic Heritage Festival. The...
Three women visit at the bar during a MANA de Kansas City event
Three Mexican American women stand at the bar talking and drinking wine during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. Slices of cake are on the back side of the bar.
Three women working on their poster
Three unidentified Mexican American women, the one on the left mostly out of the photograph, work on a poster that is laying flat on the table at an unknown event at the Kaufmann Foundation.
Twelve Mexican American women at a Christmas party
Twelve Mexican American women stand and read from pamphlets they hold in their hands during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees. A Christmas tree and decorations are behind the group. Mary...