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Girl has a big day
A Mexican American girl with her face painted looks at the camera as she holds a handful of candy and an animal balloon and wears a visor at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event.
Date Published
Girl smiles at the camera
A close-up photograph of a smiling Mexican American girl outdoors with Mexican American families walking behind her on the grace at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event.
Date Published
Mexican American girl attends The Whole Person event
A young Mexican American girl, with her face painted, stands holding a maraca in front of a display table with a banner that reads, "The Whole Person. Soaring thru Silence" at an unidentified MANA de...
Date Published
Young girl looking at the camera
A young Mexican American girl with her face painted, stands outside and looks at the camera at an unidentified MANA de Kansas event. She wears a necklace of five glow-in-the-dark pipettes.
Date Published