Couple eating at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill
A Mexican American couple sit eating at a table at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill, a restaurant at 900 Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri as a Mexican American waitress and a Mexican American...
Couple eating at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill
A Mexican American couple sit eating at a table at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill, a restaurant at 900 Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri as a Mexican American waitress and a Mexican American...
Eight women stand together on a wall reading sheets of paper as the seated audience follows along
Eleven Mexican American women stand together by a wall in an auditorium and read sheets of paper that every two people share. Stacey Alvarez is fifth from the right. DaLinda Galaviz stands farthest to...
Four Mexican American women cook together
Four Mexican American women cook together in possibly a church kitchen at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Only one woman's face, Mary Lou Jaramillo, is visible as two others are turned away...
Four Mexican American women cook together
Four Mexican American women stand in possibly a church kitchen cooking. Three women have their backs to the camera. The one on the left side of the photograph is Mary Lou Jaramillo. The one closest to...
Four women and one boy prepare menudo for the Menudo dinner
Four Mexican American women and one Mexican American boy are in the kitchen preparing menudo for the Menudo dinner at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill in Kansas City, Missouri. The woman in the foreground...
Four women and one boy prepare menudo in the kitchen for the Menudo dinner
Four Mexican American women and one Mexican American boy are in the kitchen making menudo for the Menudo dinner at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill in Kansas City, Missouri. The two in the center of the...
Four women make masks
Four Mexican American women sit at a long table making masks from construction paper at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Left to right: Mary Murguia, Anna Maria Bellatin, Elzabeth...
Four women preparing food in a kitchen
Four Mexican American women laugh and talk as they stand in possibly a church kitchen cooking. Two women have their backs to the camera, the one on the right is Dina Castro, at an unidentified MANA de...
Four women work in the kitchen preparing menudo for the Menudo dinner
Two women in the front of the photograph talk as they prepare menudo for the Menudo dinner at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill in Kansas City, Missouri. The one on the left side of the photograph is Mary...
Four women work in the kitchen preparing menudo for the Menudo dinner
Four Mexican American women work in the kitchen preparing menudo for the Menudo dinner at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill in Kansas City, Missouri. The woman second from the left side of the photograph is...
Gift is given during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees
A gift is given to Pauline Mischandes by three Mexican American women as they stand in front of a Christmas tree and behind a table with Santa Claus on it during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for...
Mary Lou Jaramillo speaking at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Mary Lou Jaramillo, speaks to the seated audience as a line of other Mexican American women stand behind her and in front of a Christmas tree at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at...
Mazine Alvarez hands a gift to a another during a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Three Mexican American women stand in front of a Christmas tree as the woman on the left, Mazine Alvarez, hands a gift to the woman on the right. The woman in the center, DaLinda Galaviz, smiles at...
Mazine Alvarez shares a gift to a another during a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Four Mexican American women stand in front of a Christmas tree as a woman second from the left, Mazine Alvarez, hands a gift to the woman on the right (Possibly Delores Risa). The woman in the center...
Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Several Mexican American women perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event by standing in front of a Christmas tree and reading from sheets of paper at Posada del Sol. Dina Castro is...
Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Eight Mexican American women perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event by reading and/or singing from sheets of paper as they stand in front of a Christmas tree at Posada del Sol...
Mexican American women perform during a holiday event
Many Mexican American women read from sheets of paper as they perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event. Dina Castro stands third from the left side of the photograph. Then Phyllis...
Mexican American women perform during a MANA de Kansas City event
Many Mexican American women read from sheets of paper as they perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol. A Christmas tree is behind them and the table in front of...
Mexican American women read from sheets of paper at a holiday event
A large group of Mexican American women stand behind a table with a Santa Claus as a centerpiece and in front of a Christmas tree reading from sheets of paper they hold in their hands at Posada del...
Mexican American women stand in an auditorium during a MANA de Kansas City event
Six Mexican American women stand in an auditorium smiling and one is clapping at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. To the left side an African American man speaks with an Mexican American...
People make their way through the buffet line
People make their way through the buffet line during an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. The woman farthest to the right side of the photograph is Delmira Quarles. Next to her is DaLinda...
Several Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Several Mexican American women perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol by standing in front of a Christmas tree and reading from sheets of paper. The woman...
Teenage girls watch a presentation during a MANA de Kansas City event
Mexican American teenage girls sit at tables looking to the right while listening to a presentation that is not visible in the photograph during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A Mexican...
Teenage girls watch a presentation during a MANA de Kansas City event
Mexican American teenage girls sit at tables listening to a presentation that is not visible in the photograph during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A Mexican American woman, DaLinda Galaviz...