26 - 31 of 31 items

Ted Malone smiling in front of a microphone


Ted Malone smiles down at the microphone in front of him while a war correspondent. He holds a pipe in his right hand as he wears a necktie and a uniform overcoat with a U.S. War Correspondent patch...

Date Published

Ted Malone takes a peek inside a teapot on a mantle


Ted Malone, from his right side, lifts the lid on a teapot that sits on a plate rail and takes a peek inside, perhaps in the Noah Webster home. He holds an NBC microphone in his right hand. A cupboard...

Date Published

Ted Malone talks into a portable microphone on a ship


Ted Malone, wearing a plaid tam, looks at and holds a portable microphone in his right hand with wires attached to a case that hangs from a strap around his neck as he stands to the right of the...

Date Published