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Filling out a form at one of the tables


Unidentified white woman with red hair and a sticker with a pink triangle and the logo "I Vote" filling out something at one of the tables at a pride event; she's paused to look at the camera and...

Date Published

Flirtations at Phoenix Books


The "Flirtations" posing for a photo with Anne Shelley and Cheryl Berge at Phoenix Books; Shelley is wearing a t-shirt with a pink triangle and the logo "Action = Life"; Michael Callen is one of the...

Date Published

Flirtations members at Phoenix Books


Two white male members of the Flirtations, one of which is Michael Callen, speaking with Anne Shelley and Cheryl Berge at the counter of Phoenix Books; Michael Callen is in a navy and white t-shirt...

Date Published

Group picture with the Flirtations


The "Flirtations" posing for a photo with Anne Shelley and Cheryl Berge at Phoenix Books; Shelley is wearing a t-shirt with a pink triangle and the logo "Action = Life"; Michael Callen is one of the...

Date Published

Linda Wilson with Jaz at Out in Westport


Linda Wilson (center) with Jaz as MC at a table with musical equipment in the space in front of Aquarius Books at Out in Westport; other tables and people (overwhelmingly white) can be seen all around...

Date Published

Mary O'Donoghue and friends


Mary O'Donoghue between two unidentified white women at a pride event posing for a photo beside part of the LGCCKCs banner. Two are wearing pins with a pink triangle on it.

Date Published