Ahmad Alaadeen accepting the 2000 Governor's Humanities Award
Ahmad Alaadeen receiving a framed proclamation award from an unidentified white woman. This was a combined event for the Tradin' 4s (Series Four): Celebration of Alaadeen's 2000 Governor's Humanities...
Ahmad Alaadeen and Sonny Kenner enjoying the panel discussion
Ahmad Alaadeen and Sonny Kenner sit at a table and smile during a panel discussion during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City...
Ahmad Alaadeen being interviewed in front of a television camera
Ahmad Alaadeen's face can be seen between a news reporter he is talking with and her cameraman whose backs are to the photographer at the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri possibly...
Ahmad Alaadeen is ready to record
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a kufi cap, during a recording session for "Time Through The Ages" at the Wheeler Audio Studio in Kansas City, Missouri.
Ahmad Alaadeen is ready to record
Ahmad Alaadeen wears a fedora at a recording session for "Time Through The Ages" at the Wheeler Audio Studio in Kansas City, Missouri.
Ahmad Alaadeen performs at the Joseph V. Thomas Memorial Jazz Scholarship Concert at UMKC Pierson Hall
Ahmad Alaadeen (soprano saxophone) closes his eyes as he performs with an unidentified African American man (alto saxophone) also performing with the UMKC Jazz Orchestra during the Joseph V. Thomas...
Ahmad Alaadeen playing a soprano sax at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Ahmad Alaadeen, from his left side, performing by playing a soprano saxophone at Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri possibly during the Tradin' 4s Series in the 18th and Vine...
Ahmad Alaadeen recording in Kansas City, MO
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a ball cap under a headset and holding a tenor saxophone, and Matt Kane (drums, in isolation room) look out in front of themselves during a recording session for "Time Through...
Ahmad Alaadeen reveals where he keeps his name tag
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a fedora while at a microphone, flashes open his suit jacket to show his name tag on the inside and holds an 8 x 10 black & white photo of himself, outside Mutual Musicians...
Ahmad Alaadeen speaking at the Mutual Musicians Foundation Building
Ahmad Alaadeen, from his left side, talks during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City, Missouri. He stands in front of a wall of...
Ahmad Alaadeen speaking at the Mutual Musicians Foundation Building
Ahmad Alaadeen, from his left side, motions with his right hand while he talks during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City...
Ahmad Alaadeen speaking at the Mutual Musicians Foundation Building
Ahmad Alaadeen, from his left side, talks during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City, Missouri. He stands in front of a wall of...
Ahmad Alaadeen speaking at the Mutual Musicians Foundation Building
Ahmad Alaadeen, from his left side, talks during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City, Missouri. He stands in front of a wall of...
Ahmad Alaadeen takes a break by getting some appetizers
An unidentified white woman and Ahmad Alaadeen getting hors d'oeuvres. This was a combined event for the Tradin' 4s (Series Four): Celebration of Alaadeen's 2000 Governor's Humanities Award at the...
Frank Smith, Luqman Hamza, Ahmad Alaadeen, Sonny Kenner, and Russ Long during a panel discussion
Frank Smith, Luqman Hamza, Ahmad Alaadeen, Sonny Kenner, and Russ Long stand behind a table and look at the photographer during a panel discussion during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual...
Frank Smith, Luqman Hamza, Ahmad Alaadeen, Sonny Kenner, and Russ Long during a panel discussion
Frank Smith, Luqman Hamza, Ahmad Alaadeen, Sonny Kenner, and Russ Long stand behind a table and look at the photographer during a panel discussion during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual...
Gathering of musicians outside Mutual Musicians Foundation building
Ahmad Alaadeen (fedora and sunglasses), Sonny Kenner (plaid shirt), Everette DeVan (black suit and grey shirt), Orestie "Rusty" Tucker (pin-striped suit and tie), and others gathering outside Mutual...
Gathering of musicians outside Mutual Musicians Foundation building
(Top row) Luqman Hamza, unidentified, Orestie "Rusty" Tucker, unidentified, unidentified, (second row from top) unidentified, Sonny Kenner, Everette DeVan, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified,...
Harold O'Neal performs at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Harold O'Neal looks down at the keys of a white baby grand piano while performing during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine district, Kansas City...
Karen McCarthy and Ahmad Alaadeen
U.S. Representative to Missouri, Karen McCarthy, and Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a fedora, standing outside Mutual Musicians Foundation during a photo-op of Kansas City blues and jazz musicians.
Marvin Jones gets a hug from Ahmad Alaadeen
Ahmad Alaadeen, his back to the photographer, hugs Marvin Jones, who is pointing at Ahmad with his right hand, during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and...
Ramonda Doakes fills in Ahmad Alaadeen
Ramonda Doakes fills in Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a fedora, as they stand on stage near a PA speaker outside Mutual Musicians Foundation during a photo-op of Kansas City blues and jazz musicians.
Sonny Kenner and Don Mumford perform at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Possibly Don Mumford (drums) closes his eyes and purses his lips and Sonny Kenner (guitar) from his left while performing during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in...
Sonny Kenner and Mike Warren perform at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Mike Warren (drums) looks to his right and Sonny Kenner (guitar) looks to his left while performing during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and Vine...
Sonny Kenner and Mike Warren perform at Mutual Musicians Foundation
Mike Warren (drums) lowers his head over his drums and Sonny Kenner (guitar) grimaces as they are performing during the Tradin' 4s Series: On the Cusp at Mutual Musicians Foundation in the 18th and...