1 - 25 of 31 items

John Hammond at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest


John Hammond, from his right side, is seated and craning his head upward to reach the microphone while he strums a guitar during the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival. He has a harmonica holder and...

Date Published

Jonny Lang at the Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest


Jonny Lang, wearing a Dashiki, scrunches his face with his mouth wide open as he plays the guitar at the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival. The picture is rather blurry.

Date Published

King Clarentz at the 2001 Kansas City Blues & Jazz Fest


King Clarentz, wearing a headband, Dashiki, knee-high laced boots with jeans tucked into the boots, smiles from his seat on stage as he plays an electric guitar during Kansas City Blues and Jazz...

Date Published