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KMBC building backstage storage area


Large room mostly empty with two level concrete balcony on back wall. Two doorways on both side of back wall. Large boxes and long piece of wood on bottom floor under balcony. Storage cabinets, lamp...

Date Published

KMBC building exterior with Grand Reopening sign


Front of KMBC building exterior at 11th and Central from left side. Grand Reopening sign for the Brush Creek Follies show spanning front archways. Several men and woman in entryway and on sidewalk.

Date Published

KMBC building lobby wing


Two story wing from high ceilinged lobby. Chandelier hanging in lobby. Reception desk on right side of lower wing. One round light on ceiling in center of each wing. Ornamentation on ledge of second...

Date Published

KMBC stage from balcony


KMBC stage from balcony. Men and women in formal dress seated in folding chairs in semi-circle on stage. Six men standing near podium at front and center of stage. KMBC musicians in background on...

Date Published

Occupied KMBC-TV Playhouse seating


Back of auditorium with upper and lower level seating visible including upper balcony entrance stairs and railings. Seating fully occupied by men, women, and children except for small section in...

Date Published