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Bassist Jerry Evans
Jerry Evans with hand on the neck of his bass as if playing; he's wearing a suit and leaning in toward the right.
Date Published
Cheatham's Jazz Showcase performing
"Cheatham's Jazz Showcase" performance showing vocalist Gene Lee in a white jacket in front of a microphone while the rest of the band is behind him with Jimmy Cheatham conducting (back to the camera)...
Date Published
Cheatham's Jazz Showcase performing
"Cheatham's Jazz Showcase" performance showing vocalist Gene Lee in a white jacket in front of a microphone while the rest of the band is behind him with Jimmy Cheatham conducting (back to the camera)...
Date Published
Cheathams Jazz Showcase
Photo of Jimmy Cheatham leading a band at the Musicians Club in Buffalo, New York with Gene Lee in a white jacket singing at a microphone; Jimmy's back is turned away from the camera, looking at the...
Date Published