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Lew Johnson, Jimmy and Jeannie Cheatham with others
Lew Johnson speaking into a microphone and gesturing toward Jimmy Cheatham who is holding his trombone; unidentified white saxophonist is behind Jimmy and Jeannie Cheatham is seated at the piano...
Date Published
Lew Johnson, Jimmy and Jeannie Cheatham with others
Lew Johnson speaking into a microphone and gesturing toward Jimmy Cheatham who is holding his trombone; unidentified white saxophonist is behind Jimmy and Jeannie Cheatham is seated at the piano...
Date Published
Shaking the Emcee's hand
Unidentified African American man in a red sweater and blue pants bowing and shaking the hands of man, likely an emcee, with a microphone; behind them are Jeannie and Jimmy Cheatham, Rickey Woodard...
Date Published