Tiny Tim, singer and ukulele player, is mostly out of the photograph but his feet, legs, and tails of his tuxedo jacket are visible behind a vase of tulips that sit on the stage by his feet while he performs at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. He wears a white, long-tailed tuxedo with staffs of music printed on the material in black and an orchid-color lining. He also wears red, white, and blue striped shoes.
Date Published
Time Periods
Subjects, Geographic
April 12, 1994
9 negative strips, 34 exposures (P2224aa-P2224bh).
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Extent Of Original
1 photograph : color print ; 0 x 0 cm
Member of
Source File
Physical Location
LaBudde Special Collections
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