March 31, 1940
Handwritten on back, "For John C. Fremont who crossed over this spot & looked out over the Golden Gate during one of his inland trips in 1846 as told by the boy C.H. Miller by Joseph de Blaney when Miller a lad of 14 in 1855 was riding a Bell Mule with De Blaney's pack train from Soda Springs in the Mt. Shasta region down & across these hills in southern Calif. Arizona & Mexico. The location later confirmed by talks over coffee after dinner at "The Sturdevanel House" left by the Leland Brothers Broadway & 29th St. N.Y.C. 188." Stamped on back, "Publishers,- Please insert the following credit - Clyde H. Sunderland, photo. Oakland, California. Clyde H. Sunderland Commercial and Aerial Photographs. Oakland, Calif. For additional copies of this print refer to No. 14860C."
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
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