Man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with purple logo for photo studio on back.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Card Photograph portrait of a man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with printed name of photographer on bottom of front and on back.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with mustache wearing a coat and tie on front with an ad for the photographer on the back.
Man with mustache with boutonniere on lapel
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache wearing a boutonniere on lapel with last name, monogram, and address of the photographer on the front and back.
Man with open coat and buttoned vest
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a man wearing an open coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Man with wiry beard
Visiting card portrait of a man with wiry beard and unkempt hair in coat and vest.
Mariano S. Otero in dark buttoned coat, striped cravat, and mustache
Quarter-profile of Mariano S. Otero in dark buttoned coat, striped cravat, and mustache.
Mrs. Mary Vogel in dark clothing wearing a brooch
Card photograph portrait of Mrs. Mary Vogel identified in pen on back.
Mustachioed man with right arm on pedestal
Visiting card portrait of a mustachioed man with right arm on pedestal with illustration featuring name and address of studio printed on back.
Older woman seated next to young girl
Card photograph of an Older lady seated next to girl mounted on green card with the name and address printed along bottom in gold. The name and address of the photographer printed on card back in red...
Older woman with a dark lace collar
Vignette bust only card photograph portrait of an older woman with a dark lace collar, brooch, and hair pulled back harshly.
Portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest.
Portrait of a woman hands folded on fringed chair arm
Portrait of a woman, slightly profiled, open collar with brooch, hands folded on fringed chair arm.
Portrait of man in coat and beard
Portrait of man in coat, beard, and slightly blushed cheeks in a star embossed rectangular frame.
Portrait of woman in high neck garment
Card photograph portrait of woman in high neck garment with printed advertisement for the photographer.
Seated man holding stereo card viewer
Card photograph of a man with mustache holding a stereo card viewer with gold border on front and the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Seven boys and one girl standing around plinth
Card photograph of seven boys and one girl standing around plinth; all in dark colors, boys with short hair parted on side; girl with high hair. Card has the name and address of photographer printed...
Short haired child
Card photograph of a short haired child sitting on wood prop in loosely fitting clothes with lace collar and string cravat or similar, with the name and city of the photographer printed under...
Small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat
Visiting card photograph of a small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat, with right arm leaning on chair; decorative backdrop. The name and address of the photographer printed in gold along bottom...
Three young boys
Card photograph of three young boys in coats within circular inset with the name and address of the photographer on bottom and handwritten inscription on back.
Toddler child and Girl
Card photograph of a toddler child and girl with facsimile signature of photographer along bottom and on back which includes address of studio.
Toddler child seated on a fringed corner chair
Toddler child, gender unknown, seated on a velvet and fringed corner chair before a decorative backdrop with the name and address of the photo studio printed on bottom.
Toddler in white dressing gown
Card photograph of a toddler seated in white dressing gown on an orientated Victorian wicker chair.