A trio, a man and two women
A trio, two seated in front; man in dark suit and beard, woman in trimmed long dress and overcoat with another woman standing behind in long coat; decorative city sky line painted backdrop.
Baby child lying on a fur rug
Card photograph of a baby child lying on a fur rug with the name, monogram, and address of photo studio on front with inscription and printed ad on back.
Baby child wearing a christening gown
Card photograph of a Baby child wearing a christening gown posed on blanket with facsimile signature of studio on front with printed ad on back.
Baby girl with full head curly hair
Card photograph of a baby girl with full head curly hair in white dress with the name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the...
Baby posed in gown
Card photograph of a Baby posed in gown on front and an inscription with the name and address printed on back.
Balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Bearded man in dark coat
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man in dark coat, vest, and bow tie with the name and address of the photo gallery printed on back.
Bearded man in suit jacket, vest, with a bowtie
Oval framed vignette of the bust of a bearded man in suit jacket, vest, with a bowtie.
Bearded man wearing a coat
Portrait of a bearded man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie & watch-chain.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Vignette portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and a bow tie with handwritten inscription on the back.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie with printed ad and two cent stamp on back.
Bearded man wearing a coat with a vest and a bow tie
Card photograph portrait of a bearded man with last name and address of photographer on bottom of the front and on back.
Bearded man wearing a coat with a vest and a bow tie
Card photograph portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat with a vest and a bow tie with the last name of the photographer and address printed on front and back.
Berenice Warren wearing a shirtwaist with puffed sleeves
Card photograph portrait of Berenice Warren with script logo for photographer on bottom and inscription on back.
Blanche Heaver hair pulled back in bun
Card photograph of Blanche Heaver with inscription on back.
Boy in a tweed jacket
Visiting card photograph of a Young man wearing a tweed jacket with the name and address of the studio printed on back.
Bride and groom
Card photograph of a bride and groom with a family crest with banner work and the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of card mount and a detailed illustration on the back that...
Brigham Young in suit and bowtie
Visiting card portrait of Brigham Young in suit and bowtie with a printed ad for the photographer on back.
Cased tintype of a boy seated next to two girls in polka dot dresses
Boy in vest and bowtie seated next to two girls with hair back in polka dot dresses seated with their hands in their laps.
Cased tintype of a young woman in dress
Young woman in dress, necklace, hair pulled back, and seated with her hands in her lap.
Child in hat and large bow on neck
Card photograph of a child standing, arm propped on plaid-covered surface; hat, bow, coat, and boots with left leg crossed over right; decorative wilderness painted backdrop. Scalloped edges and the...
Visiting card portrait of Clara with her hair in braids and the name of the photographer printed on back.
Clarence B. Warren wearing coat with sailor collar
Card photograph portrait of Clarence B. Warren with handwritten inscription on back.
Couple seated in a fake row boat
Couple seated in a fake row boat with lake backdrop. Woman is wearing a hat and man has a mustache and is holding a hat.