Baby child wearing a christening gown
Card photograph of a Baby child wearing a christening gown posed on blanket with facsimile signature of studio on front with printed ad on back.
Baby girl with full head curly hair
Card photograph of a baby girl with full head curly hair in white dress with the name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the...
Balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Elderly woman sitting in profile holding a teacup
Card photograph of an elderly woman sitting in profile holding a teacup with an advertisement for the photographer's studio on back.
Infant in christening dress on decorative throw
Card photograph of an infant in christening dress on decorative throw, the bottom edge trimmed off, and the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Infant leaning back on cloth
Card photograph of an infant leaning back on cloth with the facsimile signature of the photographer, his monogram, and address printed along bottom and on back.
Male toddler sitting on a stone wall
Young toddler male sitting on a stone wall with right arm resting on pedestal.
Portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest.
Toddler child propped in a ornate wooden arm chair
Card photograph of toddler child, gender unknown, propped in a ornate wooden arm chair.
Woman in high lace collar
Visiting card portrait of a woman in a high lace collar with the printed logo and address of photographer on back.
Woman in Romanesque/classical Greek costume
Card photograph of a woman in Romanesque/classical Greek costume with ad on back for photographer.
Woman wearing a dark lace scarf
Card photograph portrait of a woman wearing a dark lace scarf with printed ad for photographer on back.
Woman wearing a jacket, blouse with high lace collar
Card photograph woman wearing a jacket, blouse with high lace collar, monogram, name, and city for photographer printed in gold on front with script font logo for photographer on back.
Woman with decorative pin at front of collar
Card Photograph portrait of woman with decorative pin at front collar. Printed ad on back for photographer.
Woman with hair in topknot with bangs rolled
Card photograph portrait of woman with hair in topknot with bangs rolled. Back of card has printed ad for photographer.
Woman with high collar adorned with flower brooch
Card photograph portrait of woman in high collar adorned with flower brooch. Script font logo and inscription on back.
Woman with high stiff collar and chain with locket around neck
Card Photograph portrait of woman with high stiff collar and chain. Printed advertisement for photographer on back.
Young child wearing pleated dress with bow
Card photograph of a young child in pleated dress with bow. The name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the back.
Young lady in high lace collar and chain around neck
Visiting card portrait of a young lady in high lace collar with printed ad fro photographer on back.
Young woman in lace gown and veil
Card photograph portrait of young woman in lace gown and veil with decorative seal advertisement for photographer on back.
Young woman standing on a stairwell
Card photograph of a young woman standing on a stairwell with .
Young woman with corsage
Card photograph portrait of young woman wearing a corsage with an ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman with lace collar held by brooch
Card photograph portrait of young woman with lace collar held by brooch with printed ad for the photographer on back.