1 - 17 of 17 items

Bearded elderly man

Visiting card portrait of a bearded elderly man wearing a coat with printed ad for photograph studio on back.

Elderly man in coat and vest

Vignette visiting card portrait of an Elderly man in coat and vest with the name and address printed on the back within a decorative boarder.

Elderly man with sideburns

Card photograph of an elderly man with sideburns with the name and address of the photographer printed in black on pink background.

Elderly woman seated

Visiting card portrait of an elderly woman seated with left arm on pillow in dark dress with neck bow and lace collar and cuffs with a printed ad for the photographer on back.

Elderly woman with glasses

Visiting card bust only vignette of an elderly woman wearing glasses with a sticker obscuring the photo studio's logo on back.

Man with mustache

Card photograph of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.

Older woman seated next to young girl

Card photograph of an Older lady seated next to girl mounted on green card with the name and address printed along bottom in gold. The name and address of the photographer printed on card back in red...