Elderly man with mustache
Card photograph of an elderly man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie and hat.
Four men all wearing hats
Four men, two seated in wood chairs, two standing, all wearing hats or derbies.
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence, three of them are standing behind the two men seated on wooden chairs. All but the man holding a pipe in the lower right are wearing hats.
Man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat
Visiting card portrait of man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat with the year handwritten on back.
Man standing with arm on sofa
Man standing with arm on sofa; wearing dark suit, hat in right hand; moustache; decorative backdrop.
Man standing with his right hand on wicker chair
Card photograph of a man standing in front with his right hand on wicker chair with the name of the photographer on front and a hand written inscription.
Man standing with right hand and hat on plinth
Visiting card photograph of a man standing with right hand and hat on plinth; wearing a dark suit with striped pants, and vest.
Man with handlebar mustache
Card photograph of W. J. M. Sandells standing in front of decorative backdrop with name and address of photographer printed on bottom and decorative seal on back.
Man with mustache
Tintype portrait of a man with mustache within decorative red printed boarder.
Man with mustache
Card Photo of a man with mustache holding hat with facsimile of photographer's signature on back.
Man with mustache and beard
Card Photograph portrait of man with mustache and beard with name of photographer printed on bottom and on back along with an inscription.
Man with mustache and sideburns
Visiting card photograph of a man with mustache and sideburns with an advertisement for the photographer.
Two men
Two men, the one on left sitting, the other standing with his right hand on the shoulder of the other man, both wearing a coat, vest and hat.
Two men in front of a winter backdrop
Two men similarly dressed in long jackets, vests, and neckties. The one on the right is standing holding his hat to his left side while the other is seated wearing eyeglasses and a hat. Both men are...
Two men seated on stone bench
Two men seated on stone bench, one in slight profile the other holding a hat. Decorative painted backdrop of trees.
Two men with mustaches
Card photograph of two men with mustaches in long, thick coats and top hats, holding gloves with the name and address of the photographer printed on the bottom with a handwritten inscription on back.
Two young men with short hair
Two young men with short hair in plaid patterned suits holding hats in front of branches and decorative forest painted background.
Young man standing in front of painted pastoral backdrop
Card photograph of a young man standing in front of painted pastoral backdrop with an inscription on the back.