Elderly lady with high lace collar
Card photograph portrait of elderly lady with high lace collar with the name and address of photographer on back.
Elderly man with sideburns
Card photograph of an elderly man with sideburns with the name and address of the photographer printed in black on pink background.
Man with mustache and sideburns
Visiting card photograph of a man with mustache and sideburns with an advertisement for the photographer.
Seated man holding stereo card viewer
Card photograph of a man with mustache holding a stereo card viewer with gold border on front and the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Woman posed next to baby
Visiting card photograph of a woman in dark dress with ruffled collar and pearl necklace posed next to baby in christening gown with facsimile signature of the photographer printed along the bottom...
Woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers
Card photograph for a woman standing in profile touching pot of flowers with ads for the photographer and an artist on back.
Woman standing next to rock
Card photograph of a Woman standing next to rock with the name of the photographer printed on back.