Baby dressed in lace christening gown
Vignette portrait of a baby, gender unknown, dressed in lace christening gown with bonnet.
Baby propped up on blanket
Visiting card photo of a baby, propped up on a blanket with printed facsimile signature of the photographer on back.
Boy in a tweed jacket
Visiting card photograph of a Young man wearing a tweed jacket with the name and address of the studio printed on back.
Girl in star dress with dog
Card photograph of a Girl with dog at side, posing in front of rural backdrop, standing in a dance like position, her left arm raised in a curl beside her head in dress covered in stars. The bottom...
Girl wearing a sailor influenced garment
Card photograph portrait of a girl wearing a sailor influenced garment in oval frame with floral embellishments. Embossed label with photographers name and address on bottom.
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence, three of them are standing behind the two men seated on wooden chairs. All but the man holding a pipe in the lower right are wearing hats.
Group of people sitting in a tree
Photograph of a group of people sitting on a tree branch with a name and address written on the back.
Large group of young women
Large group of young women mostly wearing shirtwaists posed on the steps of a building with ornate metal railings.
Man seated with woman standing behind
Man seated, wearing jacket, vest, tie and hat, woman standing behind with high collared garment and large brimmed hat.
Two men posed standing around a third
Card photograph of two men posed standing around a third in front of a painted backdrop with the name and address of the studio printed along the bottom and an inscription on the back.
Woman in a lace collared blouse posed with similarly dressed young woman
Bust vignette of a woman in a lace collared blouse with her hair up posed with similarly dressed young woman with necklace. Blank post card with printed divisions for where the correspondence, the...
Woman standing in front of a waterfall
Woman wearing a shirtwaist and hat, standing in front of a waterfall.
Young boy leaning with right arm on upholstered chair
Card Photograph of young boy leaning with right arm on upholstered chair with printed ad for photographer on back.
Young boy with his right hand resting on handlebars of a tricycle
Young boy standing, wearing shirt and knickers, right hand resting on handlebars of a tricycle and left hand holding a cap in front of a decorative backdrop. Oval photo within embossed decorative...
Young lady in dark dress
Young lady in dark dress with left arm resting on velvet and fringed sling back chair standing besides ornate table.
Young man with right hand resting on a wicker chair
Young man, early teens wearing suit with knickers, standing with right hand resting on a wicker chair in front of a decorative backdrop.