Man in light suit seated in chair
Visiting card portrait of a man in light suit seated in chair, hands in lap with the name of the photographer printed on back.
Man in slight checkered patter coat
Oval inset visiting card quarter-profile portrait of a man in slight checkered pattern coat, buttoned; cravat; hair parted on side and swept across with the name and city of the photographer printed...
Man in suit with coat and vest
Vignette Bust only card photograph of a man in suit with coat and vest; short hair combed back. The name and city of the photo studio printed in gold on bottom of card mount.
Man in suit with small necktie
Vignette visiting card bust only portrait of a man in suit with small necktie with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Man in vest and unbuttoned dark suit jacket
Oval inset visiting card portrait of a man in low vest and unbuttoned dark suit with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Man leaning on chair
Visiting card portrait of a man standing, leaning on chair wearing a dark suit with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Man leaning on tufted sofa edge in dark suit
Visiting card photograph of a man leaning on tufted sofa edge in dark suit, neck tie and striped pants with an illustration featuring the name and address of the photographer printed on the back.
Man seated against tasseled arm rest
Visiting card photograph of a Man seated against tasseled arm rest with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Man slightly profile in closed dark coat and necktie
Visiting card portrait of a man slightly profile in closed dark coat and necktie with a printed illustration on the back.
Man standing with right hand and hat on plinth
Visiting card photograph of a man standing with right hand and hat on plinth; wearing a dark suit with striped pants, and vest.
Man wearing a coat with a long tie
Visiting card portrait of a man wearing a coat with a long tie with an ad on back featuring an cherub.
Man wearing a coat with vest
Vignette portrait of a man wearing a coat with vest and a bow tie.
Man wearing dark suit and tie
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man wearing dark suit and tie with short, curly hair.
Man with beard and a mustache
Visiting card portrait of a man with beard and a mustache with a printed ad for the photographer on back.
Man with goatee wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with goatee with ad for photographer in purple on back.
Man with hair parted on far right
Visiting card portrait of a man, seated, with hair parted on far right with a printed ad for the photo studio on back.
Man with long beard
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man with long beard wearing coat with the name and state of the photographer printed on back.
Man with mustache
Vignette card photograph of a man with mustache and his hair parted on side in dark suit with necktie.
Man with mustache
Tintype portrait of a man with mustache within decorative red printed boarder.
Man with mustache
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache, wearing a coat and bow tie with the last name and address of the photographer.
Man with mustache in formal coat and vest
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man with mustache in formal coat and vest with an illustration of the photographer on back atop the name and address of the studio.
Man with mustache seated wearing dark coat
Visiting card portrait of a man with mustache seated wearing dark coat open with the name and address of the photo studio printed on the back.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with purple logo for photo studio on back.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with mustache wearing a coat and tie on front with an ad for the photographer on the back.