Baby girl with full head curly hair
Card photograph of a baby girl with full head curly hair in white dress with the name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the...
Infant in christening dress on decorative throw
Card photograph of an infant in christening dress on decorative throw, the bottom edge trimmed off, and the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Infant in dark colored dress with white bib
Card photograph of an infant in dark colored dress and white bib with the name of the photographer, his monogram, and address printed along the bottom and his name and address printed on back along...
Infant in light dress wearing necklace
Card photograph of an infant in light dress wearing necklace; seated on decorative throw. The bottom of the card is trimmed obscuring the photographer's name.
Infant in long christening gown
Card photograph of an infant in long christening gown on chair an adult's hand can be seen to the child's left on the blanket. The name, in script, and address of the photographer is printed along...
Infant leaning back on cloth
Card photograph of an infant leaning back on cloth with the facsimile signature of the photographer, his monogram, and address printed along bottom and on back.
Small child in light dress
Card photograph of a small child in light dress seated in chair leaning against floral backdrop mounted on red card with the name of the photograph printed in gold along the bottom.
Small child in light dress
Card photograph of a small child in light dress mounted on red card with the name and address of the photographer printed in gold along bottom. The back features a illustration and the name and...
Smiling infant in short dress, seated in chair on decorated throw
Card photograph of a smiling infant in short dress with the name and address of the photo studio printed along bottom and on the back.
Two infants, one in dark dotted dress the other in long christening gown
Two infants, one in dark polka dot dress seated on wooden chair, other in long christening dress on tufted chair. The name and city of the photographer printed within decorative border along bottom of...
Woman posed next to baby
Visiting card photograph of a woman in dark dress with ruffled collar and pearl necklace posed next to baby in christening gown with facsimile signature of the photographer printed along the bottom...