1 - 25 of 42 items

Girl and boy

Visiting card photograph of a girl seated on wooden chair and boy with the name and address of the photographer on back.

Girl in ballet costume

Visiting card photo of a young girl in ballet costume leaning elbow on round table with a tax stamp and the name of the studio on the back.

Girl with hair pulled up

Vignette visiting card photograph of girl with hair pulled up on head with an illustration overtop the name and address of the photographer.

Date Published

Man and woman

Visiting card photograph of a man and woman with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.

Man and woman side-by-side

Visiting card oval vignette of man and woman side-by-side with the name and address of the photographer on back.

Man in coat

Visiting card portrait of man in coat with printed advertisement for the photographer on back.

Man in high-buttoned coat

Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in high-buttoned coat; moustache, hair parted on left and combed over.

Man in suit coat and vest

Oval inset bust only portrait of a man in suit coat and vest with light-colored shirt showing underneath, hair parted on left.

Man seated on wooden chair

Visiting card portrait of a man seated on wooden chair with right leg crossed over left with the name and address of photo studio printed on back.

Man with beard

Visiting card vignette portrait of a Man with beard in coat, vest, plaid shirt, and bow tie with tax stamp and the name and address of the photographer on back.

Man with mustache

Visiting card photograph of Man with mustache with printed advertisement for the photographer.

Man with mustache

Visiting card of a man with mustache with a printed advertisement for the photographer on back.

Two girls in checked dresses

Visiting card of two girls, one seated on a faux rock, one standing with a printed ad on back for the photographer.