Balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Couple seated in a fake row boat
Couple seated in a fake row boat with lake backdrop. Woman is wearing a hat and man has a mustache and is holding a hat.
Man in coat, vest, and bow tie
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man quarter profile in coat, vest, and bow tie.
Man in high-buttoned coat
Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in high-buttoned coat; moustache, hair parted on left and combed over.
Man standing behind two seated women
Man standing behind two seated women all in dark dress; man has small cravat, women have large puffy collars; women's hair is pulled back.
Man standing with arm on sofa
Man standing with arm on sofa; wearing dark suit, hat in right hand; moustache; decorative backdrop.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with purple logo for photo studio on back.
Mustachioed man with right arm on pedestal
Visiting card portrait of a mustachioed man with right arm on pedestal with illustration featuring name and address of studio printed on back.
Portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat with vest.
Two men
Two men, the one on left sitting, the other standing with his right hand on the shoulder of the other man, both wearing a coat, vest and hat.
W. H. Wiley with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with inscription on back and printed ad for studio.