Balding man with mustache wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a balding man with mustache with printed logo for the photo studio on back.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and a bow tie with handwritten inscription on the back.
Four men all wearing hats
Four men, two seated in wood chairs, two standing, all wearing hats or derbies.
Man in coat
Visiting card portrait of man in coat with printed advertisement for the photographer on back.
Man in coat, vest, and bow tie
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man quarter profile in coat, vest, and bow tie.
Man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat
Visiting card portrait of man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat with the year handwritten on back.
Man in high-buttoned coat
Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in high-buttoned coat; moustache, hair parted on left and combed over.
Man in suit coat and vest
Oval inset bust only portrait of a man in suit coat and vest with light-colored shirt showing underneath, hair parted on left.
Man seated in chair with left leg crossed over right
Visiting card portrait of a man slightly profile, seated in chair with left leg crossed over right with handwritten inscription on back along with the name and address of the photo studio.
Man seated on cushioned chair
Visiting card full portrait of a man seated on cushioned chair with the name and address of the studio on back.
Man seated on wooden chair
Visiting card portrait of a man seated on wooden chair with right leg crossed over left with the name and address of photo studio printed on back.
Man standing with arm on sofa
Man standing with arm on sofa; wearing dark suit, hat in right hand; moustache; decorative backdrop.
Man standing with right hand on back-facing chair
Visiting card portrait of a man standing with right hand on back-facing chair and the name and address of the photographer on back along with tax stamp.
Man wearing low-buttoned vest and western bow tie
Quarter-profile of man wearing low-buttoned vest and western bow tie; moustache and slight goatee; hair parted on side.
Man with beard
Visiting card vignette portrait of a Man with beard in coat, vest, plaid shirt, and bow tie with tax stamp and the name and address of the photographer on back.
Man with beard in framed oval inset
Visiting card portrait of a man with beard in coat, vest, and bow tie in ornate printed framed oval inset.
Man with encircled star pin on his vest's lapel
Tintype portrait with decorative embossed boarder of a man with mustache seated, wearing a coat with a vest, bow tie, and encircled star pin on his vest's lapel, in front of painted backdrop.
Man with hair parted on far right
Visiting card portrait of a man, seated, with hair parted on far right with a printed ad for the photo studio on back.
Man with moustache and goatee
Oval inset Bust only portrait of a man with moustache and goatee, hair combed straight back, wearing coat, vest, and white shirt with white, thin cravat; decorative border around oval photo.
Man with mustache
Visiting card photograph of Man with mustache with printed advertisement for the photographer.
Man with mustache
Visiting card of a man with mustache with a printed advertisement for the photographer on back.
Man with mustache and beard
Visiting card of a man with mustache and beard wearing a coat, pink back with printed name of photo studio.
Man with mustache and sideburns
Visiting card photograph of a man with mustache and sideburns with an advertisement for the photographer.